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Alcohol detox

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    Alcohol detox

    I heard alcohol poses one of the most dangerous forms of withdrawal. An abrupt cessation of alcohol (going “cold turkey”) will result in withdrawal symptoms within hours and the time necessary for complete alcohol detox can range from 3 to 14 days. Alcohol detox can result in a variety of physical and/or psychological symptoms. Mild withdrawal symptoms include headaches, nausea, vomiting, perspiration, restlessness, agitation, loss of appetite and insomnia.

    More severe symptoms may disrupt the autonomic system, resulting in seizures (convulsions), visual or auditory hallucinations and the DTs (Delirium Tremens). It is estimated that 1 in 4 patients are at a high risk for a withdrawal seizure if not medically treated during the detox phase. For this reason, alcohol detox frequently involves medical detox; that is, medications that have similar effects to alcohol are given to reduce the risk of seizure.

    When I was browsing through I came across the news that out of 2.3 million teenagers in the age group between 12 to 17 years of age who are believed to victims of drug abuse, and more importantly only 8.2 percent have received help from a rehab support group.

    I heard some of the most commonly used drugs include cocaine, heroin, marijuana, opium, and morphine that are easily available these days.

    What are the symptoms of addiction to pot? I think my grandson and daughter and son-in-law are addicted to it and also to tobacco, they can't afford to feed themselves half the time, but they always have cigarettes and pot!


      My understanding is that Pot is not an addictive drug.


        Hello Woody. I partially agree wih you this, but I could be wrong. I understood that pot was not addictive the way other drugs are. I.E. you do not have to go through detox to quit( physical addiction). But that pot can be pyschologicaly addictive and thus can also be very hard to kick the habit. Much the same way video games can invade a person's life so much that they have to play them all of the time to be happy. Take Care. paul m
        "Alone we can do so little;
        Together we can do so much"
        Helen Keller


          I've been psychologically addicted to pot. It took a long time for me to get over it. Even today when I smell pot I crave it.


            Hello Edmbigrl. I was very young(18-19) when that same thing happened to me and I still would sometimes love to me able to sit down and lose myself in an evening of induced relaxtion.

            I had heard that it would be hard to quite so one day I tried and I was amazed at how difficult it was for me to go a couple of days without. I have never tried it since. It was the closest I've ever came to an addiction. Take Care. paul m
            "Alone we can do so little;
            Together we can do so much"
            Helen Keller


              Hi Paul,

              I was about that age as well.


                Sorry but I cannot stand the smell of pot LOL hashish on the other hand...


                  There's a debate about whether Marijuana is an addiction or not. It can certainly affect mood, memory and concentration. Some say that it is the gateway to the use of other drugs, the 'good' stuff. I'm not sure that's always the case. I guess the question to be asked: is it something we MUST have? Is it interfering with our daily lives, our ability to function?

                  Humans punish themselves endlessly
                  for not being what they believe they should be.
                  -Don Miguel Ruiz-


                    Hello AJ. You ask a good question. One of the definitions of an alcoholic is someone who lets alcohol interfere with their daily life. For some people pot could certainly meet that definition.

                    But then, I know some people who lives are controlled by tv. Take Care. paul m
                    "Alone we can do so little;
                    Together we can do so much"
                    Helen Keller


                      Or this could be a problem too
                      Attached Files

                      Humans punish themselves endlessly
                      for not being what they believe they should be.
                      -Don Miguel Ruiz-


                        Hello AJ. I told you never to publish that picture of me. It shows my bad side. . Take Care. paul m
                        "Alone we can do so little;
                        Together we can do so much"
                        Helen Keller

