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Really need some support

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    Really need some support

    Hello everyone. I hope someone is reading my post. It's my first one as a newbie. I have cyclothymia but I think my bipolar is getting worse, and I am SOOO frustrated with my psychiatrist who can't seem to keep my facts straight. Hey, she has a file, right?? Anyway, for several months I have been struggling with unpredictable mood swings from day to day and sometimes hour to hour. Stress in my life right now is at an all time high, and I am sure that is playing a part. I was taking epival and lamotrigine and now respiridone has been added to the mix. The topic of taking my DL away has come up twice and that would me the end for me. I can't function without it. There is so much more to tell. so, so much more.
    I am F 48. Married 26 years October. Self-employed five years and struggling with keeping the business going now. looking at selling and it breaks my heart. but I really don't think I can do this anymore.

    Welcome to the forum Trixie. I just want you to know that I read your post and am 'listening'. Post as little or as much as you feel comfortable with. You'll find people on this forum to be very supportive.

    Humans punish themselves endlessly
    for not being what they believe they should be.
    -Don Miguel Ruiz-


      Thank you AJ. I have been living with Cyclothymia since I was a young adult (dx in '99). I finally could put a name to what I was experiencing. Now I seem to be experiencing different things, outside of the standard dx for cyclothymia, and I fear I am getting worse. So much is happening to me all at once and I am not managing my health or behaviours very well.
      I would love to hook up with someone in here who has cyclothymia. Hopefully someone will see my posts and drop me a line. Thanks again!


        Hello Trixie and welcome. I don't have Cyclothymia , but I do know that it , along with other bipolar disorders, often change in character as we age. You mention that you have a lot of stress right now and like you have said mental disorders are also very affected by stress.

        Of course the million dollar question is: Is the stress caused by the mental disorder or is the mental disorder made worse by the stress? There is no correct answer as either/ and or both can happen.

        It's also not uncommon for meds that have worked for years to no longer be as effective, either because our body adapts to them or because our illness worsens.

        In regards to your psychiatrist not keeping the facts straight. All too often many doctors tend to just read the last few entries in your file and sometimes not even that. The only way that I have found my way around that problem is for me to make notes before my appointment and then try to almost lead the interview. I know that is difficult to do and harder still when it comes to mental problems, but even a few notes may help.

        Please feel free to ask more questions, answer other people's questions and/or vent out a few frustrations here as sometimes just getting rid of some frustrations in a safe place like this helps. Take Care. paul m
        "Alone we can do so little;
        Together we can do so much"
        Helen Keller


          I had a doctor that didn't check notes and didn't even remember why she had asked me to come back in. I would have to say things like, 'as I said last time' or 'we were going to discuss' ... It is hard to do when you feel crappy.

          Humans punish themselves endlessly
          for not being what they believe they should be.
          -Don Miguel Ruiz-

