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Request denied

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    Request denied

    I received this email from my caseworker this morning ..
    " I have just checked your file and they have made the decision on the internal review. Unfortunately, it was also denied. The decision was made on 31/03/2017. You will receive a letter in the mail.
    I recommend you file an appeal with the social benefits tribunal. I will mail you the appeal form along with information on Legal Services - you should call them for assistance with the appeal. "
    I would be lying if I say I'm not discouraged at all ..
    Sure I am discouraged & frustrated ..
    Im a bit worried & confused too ...... Its not a matter of ( sensitivity to rejection ) .. it's a matter of needing cash to pay bills ..
    Last edited by Jafar the wizard; April 5, 2017, 04:09 PM.

    I totally understand this. I went through the same process and it sucks! Paying bills has always been a struggle for me (lots of school debt) and this made things unbearable. I followed their advice and sent it to tribunal. I went through legal aid as well and they did a lot of the leg work. I went to the tribunal and got to talk to the decision maker. I can better express myself verbally than in written submission. They can also see the struggle in your voice and body language. I hope you are able to carry on in this process. If you want to talk more, please let me know. Just know, you aren't alone in this. (I think ODSP rejects most applications, so people give up).


      Yes Laurie
      Thank you


        Hello Jafar. That sucks. However as Laurie23 has said, don't give up hope. They often turn down on the first time or two. You can also ask your community legal clinic for advice on filling out your appeal , regardless of assets or income and they may even represent you if you have a low enough income. The community legal clinic people are usually pretty good as they only deal in a few small areas of the law, ODSP appeals being one of them. There are offices around Ontario , with offices in the Mississauga and Brampton
        Good luck and don't give up. Take Care. paul m P.S. I don't know about other areas , but the community legal clinic lawyers in my area are much better than the average legal aid layer as they get paid a salary rather than by the case.
        "Alone we can do so little;
        Together we can do so much"
        Helen Keller


          Thank you Paul
          I'll check it up

