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Dragging my butt

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    Dragging my butt

    Just here to complain that I'm so-o-o lacking energy these days. Sleeping a lot of hours, but broken sleep. Partly related to my brother's recent death I know. Partly also because hot weather saps my energy. And partly because I'm lonely and frustrated and tired of this blinkin' distancing! As Charlie Brown says, "Bleah".

    I feel a tad bit better for typing that. Maybe I'll even get out of my pyjamas now. It's noon. I guess that's better than 2 or 3

    ~ it's always worth it ~

    Anytime Uni. I always feel better after a vent. Broken sleep never is much of a sleep. You've got a lot on your plate, esp. with your brother's death.

    I miss hugging! Ok I wasn't running down the street hugging random strangers before, but I do miss hugging people I care about!

    I know in the middle of our winter deep freeze, we'll be wishing it was summer, but 35C is so not comfortable.

    Humans punish themselves endlessly
    for not being what they believe they should be.
    -Don Miguel Ruiz-


      Thanks AJ. I miss getting hugs too. One night I felt so lonely I was hugging my pillow as if it were a person. I know someone who has a doll that used to belong to their kid (who is now 30). She props the doll up here and there and wishes it good morning, etc. We have a laugh about that, but I can see why she does it. Reminds me of Tom Hanks in "Castaway" where he turns the soccer(?) ball into a guy named Wilson

      The 12-step group I attend has been meeting via Zoom once a week. Now the face to face meetings are back, and I went to the first one, cautiously, this week. Distancing was observed so I felt ok about that. Usually it's a place to get a hug if you need one, or give a hug to someone who needs one worse than you, but of course that was out. Still, it did me good to go.

      ~ it's always worth it ~


        I'm glad the meeting went okay. So are people wearing masks at these events? I don't know what the 'rules' are where you live.

        Humans punish themselves endlessly
        for not being what they believe they should be.
        -Don Miguel Ruiz-


          The rules seem to keep changing! Currently the government "strongly suggests" masks in a group if you can't distance. At the meeting there were very few people and lots of room for 2-metre distancing. Nobody wore a mask. I had mine along just in case; I always carry one in my purse. I missed the previous meeting, but heard that some wore masks, so it's personal preference. Also, with 12-step groups, each group makes its own decisions on how to run meetings, beyond using common reference material.

          ~ it's always worth it ~


            Oh ok. In my small rural community, it's up to the individual whether you wear a mask or not. When we go to the 'big city', they have a compulsory mask rule in any indoor place of business.

            Humans punish themselves endlessly
            for not being what they believe they should be.
            -Don Miguel Ruiz-


              Hello Uni. I hope that you are feeling better. In Ont mask are required indoors. Not all places enforce that rule , but I usually wear a mask if I'm indoors even for a couple of minutes. Take Care. paul m
              "Alone we can do so little;
              Together we can do so much"
              Helen Keller


                The last few days have been better. I did wake up today feeling pretty icky though. Can I blame it on the sourdough bread and mango-pineapple jam I ate before bed?

                ~ it's always worth it ~


                  Originally posted by uni View Post
                  Just here to complain that I'm so-o-o lacking energy these days. Sleeping a lot of hours, but broken sleep. Partly related to my brother's recent death I know. Partly also because hot weather saps my energy. And partly because I'm lonely and frustrated and tired of this blinkin' distancing! As Charlie Brown says, "Bleah".

                  I feel a tad bit better for typing that. Maybe I'll even get out of my pyjamas now. It's noon. I guess that's better than 2 or 3
                  The best thing to do is find something to bring you closure on the relationship you had with your brother. You need to live for you, and not after your brothers passing. Emotionally speaking. I am sure there are ways you can remain in a relationship with family members, i talk to mine by text and online at times. As long as you stay safe you can still see people. No touching of course.


                    Hello Prycejosh and thank you for the encouraging words. I'm feeling better now than when I wrote that post. I had a patio visit with a couple of siblings recently, which was nice. And with the passage of time, I'm less disturbed by the loss of my brother, His widow and sons have delayed a cemetery ceremony until some red tape is looked after. I hope we can have it before the snow flies, but if not, I'm sure I'll be okay.

                    ~ it's always worth it ~

