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Wait times for psychiatrists

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    Wait times for psychiatrists

    Wow. I've had a bad surprise. I'd been warned that my current psychiatrist would be moving away, but what I didn't know was the wait list for a new one is a whole year long - yikes!

    I'm now on the list, but somehow that's cold comfort. Meanwhile my G.P. aka family doctor is supposed to handle things. He's told me before he knows nothing about psychiatric meds etc. so I don't feel too great about the situation. What about those who can't even get a family doctor?! I did some inquiries with the health region people and they are supposedly working to recruit new psychiatrists but not getting far. Seems that everybody in the country is trying to attract doctors of every sort. I'm in Saskatchewan, where it's never been this bad. I'm wondering how things are for other forum members. Misery loves company here

    ~ it's always worth it ~

    Hi Uni. That is a bad surprise. I've had a similar experience. Unfortunately it's a familiar story across the country. Remote and rural areas in particular are struggling to recruit family physicians never mind specialists.

    It's very unsettling to feel like you're about to be lost in the shuffle. I found my therapist knew more about the avenues of psychiatric help available then my family doc at the time did. I used to work in healthcare, and even I find it a work out getting the appropriate help when needed.

    Is your psychiatrist not passing on the torch to a colleague? Where are his/her patient files going?


    Humans punish themselves endlessly
    for not being what they believe they should be.
    -Don Miguel Ruiz-


      Where are her files going? Good question. I have one last appointment with her at the end of June so I will have a few questions to ask, and that could be one.

      From what I've gathered through the "health system" (i.e. G.P.'s office and the health region's local Mental Health Clinic) her patient files seem to be going into a so-called "pool" of local psychiatrists. I did a phone "intake" with a counselor who took my info, said I'm on the waiting list, and when the time comes will be referred to a psychiatrist in the "pool". I have no say as to which one I'm matched up with. I asked what happens if we're not a good fit, and was told it would be back to square one and a new G.P. referral from my doc. Lord love a duck! Bureaucracy at its finest.

      I also asked if driving to another town would be an option and was told people have tried it and they just end up at the end of another queue. I also found out that if a person's meds need addressing and they have no psychiatrist, and their G.P. knows nothing about psych meds and has no time/inclination to learn, then "if you really have to, go hospital emergency". Not the answer I was hoping for, but not really unexpected either.

      Anyway I'll take things one step at a time. Sometimes creative solutions turn up if given a chance over time. I do have a feeling I could end up leaning more heavily on whatever non-psychiatric supports I can rustle up.

      Wouldn't it be nice if I manage better than I think I might? I've got a lot of treatment and tools and life experiences under my belt, so at least there's that in my favour. Unlike the younger people who are newbies to the mental health/illness world. Thanks for making it through this rant of a post


      ~ it's always worth it ~


        Hi Uni. Rant anytime! In Alberta, Calgary specifically, there is a program that allows you to see a psychiatrist with a short wait time for a one time assessment. That's an option for tweaks to medication. Limited help but for the short term it does fill some of the gap while a person does the hurry up and wait.

        Do yo perhaps have a program like that in Saskatoon or Regina?

        I always appreciate my hard earned toolbox of coping skills.

        Humans punish themselves endlessly
        for not being what they believe they should be.
        -Don Miguel Ruiz-


          I completely understand as we are in the same province. I gave up years ago. The guy I saw last year told me I may have traits of antisocial and avoidant personality disorder because I missed crucial aspects in my development growing up. This was after a ten minute conversation. He referred me to a counsellor who suggested a working book I can do on my own. So ... not what I needed. I needed someone to delve in my past WITH me. Neither psychiatrists nor counsellors know what they're doing. You have to pay a lot of money to get the good ones. Sorry I'm not much help. I'm pretty jaded. Sometimes miracles happen.


            AJ, I don't know if there's a program like the one you mentioned. I'm going to see if I can find out; thanks for the suggestion.

            Quito, I can understand your being jaded. I've had pretty good luck over the years so I wasn't too bothered, but these days it's a different story

            ~ it's always worth it ~

