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Out of whack

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    Out of whack

    Not sure if this thread belongs in SAD but it does point up the effects that summer can have...

    Heat (I can't take it at the best of times, let alone menopause)...leading to MAJOR lack of sleep no matter what I try... leading to feeling physically pukey and not being able to do my walking... leading to unplanned stay at bf's for what turned out to be a week (central air)... meaning no computer and unexpected change in routine in different city (usually I plan things ahead)... and forgetting to bring enough meds...resulting in taking a few half-doses...leading to feeling more pukey...leading to coming back to too-warm home for pdoc appointment and other necessaries... leading to a vicious cycle of doing little, being too much in my own head, and not liking this at all!

    Bf is supposed to come up for the weekend, but I am seriously considering suggesting I go there instead, with humidex in the 30's predicted. I never counted on this extended heat. When I worked, I spent the lion's share of the hot hours in a cool (mostly) environment. Being retired, that isn't built in to my day, and it has blindsided me. Can't believe I didn't see this coming and make a "plan B".

    Was at my sister's yesterday, I told her I fould the place stifling. It was 76 degrees Fahrenheit and she found it very nice. I'm simply not cut out for hot temperatures, even hot rooms in the winter upset my system physically, let alone trying to move around and do anything physical.

    There are obviously reasons for this, although probably a mixture of factors. I put part of the blame on having had possible heatstroke when younger, and part of the blame on inheriting my mother's touchy stomach, and part of it on withdrawing too quickly from several meds in the past, thanks to my doctor's impatience at trying too many meds in too short a time when something didn't work. This led to much projectile vomiting - I can't tell you all the places I vomited at - and I swear to God left me with a susceptibility to feeling nauseous very easily. The final kicker was coming off of Effexor. When I think back, what a nightmare my body has experienced over the years No freaking wonder it takes nothing to get me feeling pukey.

    Lack of sleep REALLY puts the kibosh on things. I took gravol one day which helped somewhat but not much. Hate to take anything to help me sleep but will ask the pdoc when I see him today and see what he says.

    Thanks for letting me rant...other people are getting sick of hearing it
    Last edited by uni; August 13, 2011, 12:56 AM. Reason: added pukey face

    ~ it's always worth it ~

    Rant anytime Uni. I feel for you. I get physically sick when I don't get enough sleep too. Heat certainly interferes with my sleep. This 'hot spell' you're having there is certainly not a 'spell' anymore. Is there a mall or library or some other air conditioned place you can get a break from the heat? Are you keeping yourself well hydrated? When is your Pdoc appointment?

    Humans punish themselves endlessly
    for not being what they believe they should be.
    -Don Miguel Ruiz-


      I'm sorry to hear about your rough time, Uni. I understand what you are saying about the heat. I can tolerate it physically but I do not enjoy it at all.

      Maybe going to your boyfriends would be a better idea this weekend, but remember to bring enough meds!



        Thanks AJ and Astronaut. I do try to get to the library or even a shopping mall when I don't feel too nauseated to drive. The cool atmosphere definitely helps, although I'm still a walking zombie when lacking sleep. I called my sister (couldn't reach her) who has a basement bedroom thinking I could crash there. In the end - hallelujah! - I lay on the couch by the air conditioner, and dozed off for quite a while. Fell asleep during Coronation Street (one of my faves), so definitely was tired! Awoke feeling kinda rested but with a headache. Still, it was a help.

        I'd packed a few things and thrown them in the car before going to my pdoc appt, thinking to heck with it, I'd just drive to see my b/f once I got my pills... but after putzing around town I felt too nauseated to drive on the highway.

        The pdoc doesn't have any answer as to why heat is such a problem for me. He's going to pick the brain of a gynocologist and see if he learns anything. The guy loves research. At first he wondered about thyroid, but doesn't think that's it. I was too dozy to think to ask "well what do I do in the meantime?" or whether I should get sleep meds or take gravol. Duh. But shouldn't he be suggesting these things? This is my pdoc from forever, and I see him in a month again, but obviously he doesn't figure this will kill me.

        Probably the wisest thing, because this is dragging on, is go to a mediclinic and see if that does any good. It takes too long to get in to see my GP. Plus it's the weekend.

        In all of this, I think I'm actually gaining weight . I lie around too much, and crave icy slurpy things, and chocolate (not usual for me), and pop. I do drink lots of water too because I'm always thirsty. I drink almost no coffee or tea, and no cola. I eat some protein but find meat etc. hard to get down. Because of the nausea I don't eat much during the first part of the day, but it settles some by evening and then I go for the sugary drinks. Of course I can't do any strenuous exercise because of the nausea.

        One other time when I was like this I freaked out thinking it was diabetes, but got tested and it was not. Also in January I had a physical and was ok. I just feel so #%$& hot!

        ~ it's always worth it ~


          Hello Uni. Rant all you like. I can't take the heat either. Fortunately I am pretty good at coming up with solutions and I live in an area with lots of lakes. Also I am never very far from a fan in my place.

          As has been mentioned malls can be a good place to cool off. Some even have walking clubs(although most operate early in the morning before the mall opens). However I usually find that a trip to a mall helps or I will read a book at the local timmies if there air conditioner is good enough.

          Re-O had a good temporary solution, wet a towel or several hand towels, put them in the freezer and then put them in a plastic bag once frozen and either lie on it or sit on it to help cool you down.

          When all else fails, complain about the weather, it's the Canadian way. I hope you feel better soon. Take Care. paul m
          "Alone we can do so little;
          Together we can do so much"
          Helen Keller


            Thanks Paul. I have used the wet towel solution, and it does help temporarily. I have some freezing up as I post this. As for Timmie's, I can't believe it has not occured to me to go and have a drink in a cool restaurant - good plan. My brain is as dumb as a sack of hammers these days from not sleeping.

            ~ it's always worth it ~


              Uni have you changed your meds in the last while? Perhaps they are contributing to the problem. Nausea is not a good thing. I was thinking about the possibility of heat exhaustion. Are you sweating excessively? Do you have a headache along with nausea? Or are you nauseated because you are not getting enough sleep? I could be totally out in left field here, but I just thought I'd ask?

              Humans punish themselves endlessly
              for not being what they believe they should be.
              -Don Miguel Ruiz-


                The journey off effexor was enough for me....add that heat and yikes . I hope you're feeling better Uni. You have my sympathy. Its tough to deal with. I like some of the suggestion you've got going here.


                  Oh Uni,

                  It sounds like you're in a bind with all this nausea. It isn't helping your sleep, your exercise routine or your diet very much. I think that going to the mediclinic may be a good option, just to do an overall check-up. I mean, I get hot but I don't think I've ever suffered from the heat the way your are. Getting a second opinion apart from your pdoc's may be a good plan.

                  stay cool,


                    Hi Uni - I totally get how you are feeling with the heat. I have never been good with heat since I was a child. Used to pass out or puke or both at most outdoor events growing up.With this heat wave we have been having I have been going through a ton of gravol but can't even keep fluids down without it.The bad part it adds to this continuied zombie like feeling that I have been having already from so many med changes.I don't really know if I am over medicated or just not on the right thing or what but that a story in itself.I would have to agree with everyone.I have done all those things except the mall,library,going out thing cause I done do out unless it's for Doctors or my Therapist.The sleep issue I just get what I can.Do have a basement thats tolorable & my bedroom has air conditioner but I still walk around in a daze & am always tired no matter how much sleep I do get.Hope it gets better for you & this heat lets up for all our sakes.Sorry couldn't help with anymore ideas but if I think of any will let you know.


                      Hello Uni. How are you making out? Take Care. paul m
                      "Alone we can do so little;
                      Together we can do so much"
                      Helen Keller


                        Uni, I had a terrible day with nausea today. I can't imagine feeling that way all the time like you do. I hope it goes away soon.



                          Thank you everybody for all your understanding and suggestions; I do appreciate them.

                          Astronaut, are you over the nausea? I hope it doesn't last long.

                          Aurora, thanks for sharing your experiences with heat, it helps to know I'm not the only one. Have you ever been given any reason why heat affects your system so much? I have been where you are, with needing gravol to even keep fluids down and it sucked majorly so I feel for you . So far this summer I've only taken it one day and have managed without it the rest of the time, although I'm not sure which is worse - the grogginess from gravol or the daze from lack of sleep. So it sounds like we have a lot in common.

                          AJ, to answer your questions, I think the nausea is partly due to lack of sleep. It may also be to do with my med times being a bit inconsistent thanks to holidaying, because I sometimes forget to take them on time, so take them later. I do get the odd headache, but nothing earth-shattering. I don't sweat excessively, in fact I sweat very little, and think that's part of the problem because my body can't cool off properly. I have always suspected this to be a med side effect, but haven't really pursued it. I probably should. My sister also pointed out to me that I've been on osteoporosis medication and wonders if that's a culprit. The osteo stuff is something requiring another thread, actually.

                          I went away to my bf's for about a week and it did help; some days were good and some not when it came to nausea, but the sleep was better which helped, plus he's babysitting two cats and they are good for a person. I wish I could have one or two but it's not allowed where I live. Maybe it's just as well because I've been away a lot since retiring.

                          What disturbs me is the ease with which I've gotten into this cycle of feeling poorly physically affecting my mood in a down way. I do not want to get into full- blown depression, but if the heat/sleep thing is at the root of it I don't want to mess with meds. And to be honest, I'm struggling with relationship issues and have not had an opportunity to address them. While at my bf's he was working long hours, and how can you discuss things when both of you are tired and just want to sleep as and when possible? I never underestimate the power of worry and uncertainty about life situations on a person's moods. So I wonder if resolving a few things there will help with all of this. We are off on holidays together soon and I am both looking forward to it, and apprehensive because certain issues may have to be looked at. This is no doubt adding to the knots in my stomach. Why is it that you can love somebody and at the same time get stressed out being around them? Maybe I have been on my own too long to adjust to the daily company of another person no matter how much I love them. This makes me sad

                          In any case, it is hard to keep to my schedule in every way these days, not least because I'm home and gone intermittently. I love to do different things and go different places, and was doing very well with it since retiring, except this last few weeks. So am feeling muddled, and falling behind in things that require effort. All of these are bad signs, and I must wait to see my psychologist until September. She is a great help and I saw her earlier this summer regarding situational concerns. I also see my pdoc in a month. He is less of a help psychologically, but prescribes my medication and knows me well. So I consider myself lucky to have both of them.

                          At this point, I am trying to look at the times I feel well, and learn from them. So far I've (re)discovered that some people are better for me to spend time with than others. (My bf falls into both categories if that's possible.) My 12-step group friends are the best, a couple other friends so-so, and family mainly ok except they tend to blab about personal stuff (my closest sister is good though) so I have trust issues there.

                          Also, being in cool places is better. And getting out and about is best of all, as long as the nausea doesn't kick in. Routine is an absolute necessity when it comes to sleep and pills and exercise and eating, and all of that is currently shot to H-E-double hockey sticks . Improving these things is easier said that done, but I'll keep at it!

                          Now that I'm back home I'll try to see my GP if I can, or the mediclinic if I can't. I guess I could have gone while at my bf's but would rather stick with familiar doc(s) if possible. To top things off, I am now getting toothaches - fun! So because I'm leaving with my bf on a trip to the states on Thursday, I need to convince my dentist to see me too.

                          After I post this, I'll be getting myself showered and ready to take my nephew and his girlfriend out on a weiner roast. I can think of nothing better for the soul. People I love, out in nature. So in actual fact I am very blessed. I never want to lose sight of that for very long...

                          I really think I need somebody to talk to and have a good cry. I'm not sure how to make that happen right now, though. It really does help to post here and get some stuff out where I can see it, and get feedback from people who "get it". This is one of those times when I would give anything to have somebody like you guys to sit down with in person and get a hug and some sympathy - not to wallow in self-pity, but just to feel what I feel and have it acknowledged. Most of the people in my life are wonderful, but only somebody prone to mood swings can really BE there. Hugs and thanks all around

                          After I post this, I'll be getting myself showered and ready to take my nephew and his girlfriend out on a weiner roast. I can think of nothing better for the soul. People I love, out in nature. So in actual fact I am very blessed. I never want to lose sight of that for very long...

                          ~ it's always worth it ~


                            Hi Uni,

                            yes, my nausea is gone. It was just a one day thing I guess.

                            It sounds like you're sort of off-centre, if that makes any sense. Judging by your post, you seem to be coping fairly well; however, experiencing a lot of "blah" times and physical discomfort which seems to be bringing you down. Am I correct? Sometimes those "blahs" are actually rather debilitating when it comes to our happiness levels. You said that you could use a good cry. Are you able to cry right now, or do you feel like crying but you just can't do it? I hate the feeling when you need to cry but it won't come out. Right now I'm sort of the opposite from that. I am going through some huge life changes right now and am experiencing a lot of outside stressors. I am putting on a good front and appear to be handling things fine but every once and a while, my anxiety rears its head and I start crying over something rather minimal (for example, forgetting to pick up a receipt after a purchase!--lame, I know).

                            I wish I could offer you some suggestions as to how to approach any issues that you are having with your boyfriend. I can listen but I am hopeless when it comes to relationships. I hope that you can work things out openly for your vacation so that you don't spend the whole time worrying about any little issues that might be going on between you two. I am also used to living alone and it is always an adjustment to begin living with roommates or family again. I am a bit of a recluse so I always feel rather rude and antisocial when I'm living with others because I tend to keep to myself. I guess it makes me sort of sad too.

                            I would also go to your GP if you have any health questions. I agree that it is best to deal with doctors who already know your history. And I hope you get in to see the dentist soon. My dentist is great at getting me in quickly if I need to.

                            I hope you had fun at the wiener roast! Do you find that activities like that help you de-stress a bit? Do you feel a bit better while you are immersed in them?

                            be well,


                              Astronaut, you are not lame, just dealing with stress in a practical way such as crying.

