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SAD Lamps

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    SAD Lamps

    Hello Everybody. Somewhere along the line I have printed this before, but I could not find it. So here goes. The Center for Envoirmental Theraputics has a pretty good website on Seasonal Affective Disorder .

    They discuss such things as lamp intensity, sunrise lamps etc. They also have several self test to determine whether or not you may be depressed and whether a SAD lamp might work for you. Take Care. paul m
    "Alone we can do so little;
    Together we can do so much"
    Helen Keller

    Thank you for the link Paul



      Hi Paul

      I took the morningness, eveningness questionnaire and it was interesting. Only thing is that I'm supposed to use the light at 6:15 am. I'm up then but I'm usually high tailing to the kitchen to main line some coffee.

      Food for thought. Thanks for the link Paul.


        Hello Leila63. You mean there is two 6.15s on a clock . I hear you about the caffine. Take Care. paul m
        "Alone we can do so little;
        Together we can do so much"
        Helen Keller


          Apparently, there are, paul!! I can only corroborate this myself when I travel and my flight leaves before 9 am.

          My pdoc keeps making funny suggestions about me getting up early to use my light. Me getting out of bed at all right now is the biggest accomplishment of my day. Only the fact that I have been blessed with a strong helping of German stubbornness genes makes this even possible. I WILL NOT give in. (It's nice to know that my stubbornness is good for something...)

          I don't find that my litebook is helping much in December...other than to brighten up my evenings a bit...I do like that. But it's only three more weeks until the winter solstice and then the days will start getting longer and I will feel better.

          BTW, I had a fabulous trip to Honduras, where it was sunny and hot and humid. I drank lots of locally grown coffee and fresh squeezed juice and swung in a hammock almost every afternoon and met a bunch of great kids at summer camp (the Honduran school system has summer from November to the end of January - the dry season). I was all confused when I got home because everyone was talking about Christmas like it was happening soon and I was still in summer mode! I highly recommend Honduras (don't believe what you read in the paper or on the Internet - outside of the two main cities, the country is peaceful and very friendly. It's like judging all of Canada based on gang crime in Vancouver or Toronto.). I managed to miss two horrendous weeks of weather in Vancouver and came home to sun!


            Hello Villa. I was wondering when you were going to tell us about your trip. From the sounds of it I am envious of you and your trip. But I am glad that you enjoyed it. Take Care. paul m
            "Alone we can do so little;
            Together we can do so much"
            Helen Keller


              Now that I'm home, even I'M envious of me and my trip. Hoping to go back next year, same time.


                Yes, I can attest, there are two 6:15's

                When I worked graveyard, that is when my break was and being the smoker I was back then, I was out having my smoke watching the horizon change colour. At that time, you still have that 'peace' before the storm. (play here)

                That was then and this is now ... and by the time that 6:15 comes around, getting any sleep is futile and I might as well just keep on going and maybe tonight I will get some sleep ...

                WOW and WOW Villa ... first I though you were not going till later on and second sound like you had a great time!


                  I do not use them as much anymore but I use to burn scented candles in my room. A lot of the time, it was the only source of light in the room other than the TV or the computer. The combination of light and smell can be very therapeutic.

