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    SAD Spa

    I saw my pdoc today and told him that what I really need is not more med's but rather a German-style spa with light therapy, summer temperatures, tropical plants, a nice deck with really comfy deck chairs and a lovely warm pool to swim in...all in one large space. I could go there once a week and pretend that I was in Mexico or some other southern clime and it would give me something to look forward to all week. Imagine all the reading I would get done every winter! He works at a university so I figure that they should undertake this as a capital project, with funding from the drug companies who benefit from our disorders. Personally, I'd be willing to sponsor a nice wooden deck chair. They could put in a walking track around the outside and I could do all the things that I'm supposed to do (like light therapy and exercise) in one place.

    I'll bring my own deck chair if you invite me to the pool party.

    Humans punish themselves endlessly
    for not being what they believe they should be.
    -Don Miguel Ruiz-


      I do not have SAD but sign me up anyways!


        I know this is a really old thread, which I have stumbled upon right after returning home from 2 weeks in sunny California, but you know what? I think VillaStraylight's idea may have merit. I mean, why not a place like that where you can simply "be" in an uplifting space for an hour or two a week?

        While away, I was able to sit and look at real daylight every morning from an easy chair instead of sitting in front of my SAD light, and although I love my light and brought the compact version along, there is nothing quite like the real thing. And hummingbirds to watch. And of course a cup of coffee with a great guy to start the day off right. Sigh.

        ~ it's always worth it ~


          Hello Uni. I have said the same thing. For what the gov't has spent on my depressive episodes alone, they could have built a nice spa. Take Care. paul m
          "Alone we can do so little;
          Together we can do so much"
          Helen Keller


            Sound like you had a wonderful time Uni

