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    I think that is great Uni! Hoping it gets me moving too..


      Hello All. I've several comments to make here(none particularily serious). First it's fall and that means my S.A.D. is kicking in. I can tell, even without a mood change as I could eat bread by the whole loaf (some people with SAD crave starchy foods), which means that I am starting to gain weight again after a summer of losing it. However I didn't think about it until I was reading these posts.

      Second on a more important note. As I read these posts I am reminded that A) I have not been out for my evening walk. B) there is still sunlight available during the day. I just have to drag my butt outside while it is still shining and this will help delay the onset of my SAD. C) for me apples seem to work to offset my cravings so I will have to remember to pick some up.

      So thx for all of your posts about food and exercise. They are important reminders to me to do the small things now that can make a big difference for me by spring.

      So I will now go outside and do my evening walk(grumble grumble). Please remember that I said it was good for me, not that I liked doing it. Take Care. paul m

      P.S. Note to Astronaut. You go running every day! . Good for you. Take Care. paul m
      "Alone we can do so little;
      Together we can do so much"
      Helen Keller


        Uni - that virtual 5k sounds really interesting. Its fun to be able to chat with other people who have tried the same challenges. I also liked your comment:

        "I'm almost afraid to tell anyone, because what if I stop doing all this healthy stuff and then feel bad?"

        I feel this way almost anytime I start a new challenge. I think that by keeping it to myself I can only disappoint myself if I stop. Two comments on myself: a) I must not have much confidence in my ability to complete things I start, b) why do I think others care so much about what I'm doing?
        I will spend some time today thinking this over.

        Also, it seems you've inspired me once again Uni. First when you posted about the Sparkpeople web site, I checked it out. Finding it too advanced for my internet connection, I continued my seach and joined the "Couch to 5k running program". Its a 9 week step by step to run a 5k. I know this is Canada, and I started in late October... it will be nine weeks just before Christmas. (Anyone tried jogging in snowshoes??) Your second inspiration is this : that I'm admitting that I've started this program. I'm in my third week. I've written it "in ink". I'm commited. Thank you Uni for your inspiration.

        Astronaut - Sounds like you're a seasoned runner. Tell me, how many weeks of running before I stop feeling like a 95 year old just up from a 16 hour nap the nights after my run?

        Paul M - as for gaining weight in the fall... well that's also why I joined the "couch to 5k". This year I though I was going to to better, as I started taking care of calories back in September. All summer I had been somewhat free spirited about eating... even when I wasn't exercising I didn't gain weight. But mid- October, despite my vigilant eating, I realised it wasn't just bloating that was making my pants (even my jogging pants!) tight. This has made me wonder if there is more to our weight gain than just calories in. Maybe our metabolism actually changes, unsuring weight gain for.... hibernation?

        Take care all,
        Last edited by Kaight; November 8, 2011, 10:14 AM.


          Hibernation!! Very funny, Kaight. And yes, we do care that you are exercising regularly, so keep posting about it. As you can see, it
          is also motivating others to do like you!

          I do run every day. I don't feel 95; however, I have an injury right now either from running too far, or sitting too much doing
          homework during the day, so I'm running a bit less than usual. It drives me nuts. I can honestly say that before I got this injury, my
          favorite part of the week was my long run. I lived for that run and now I can't do it anymore. I will actually cry over this (but I'm not
          crying right now). Unfortunately, I have been a serious athlete/exerciser for years and it has never eased or held off my depressions
          I guess it works for other people though. --Well, I suppose it does help me somewhat with my sanity and not feeling so "blah" when
          I haven't gone for my run...

          Anyways, best of luck to all of you exercisers. Stay with your programs!! My theory is that once you make it a habit, it will be easier to keep doing. When you start out, DON'T let yourself have breaks. Don't say to yourself "well, it's my birthday so I don't have to
          exercise today," or, "well, I'm going on holiday so I don't have to exercise," or, "I feel like crap so I don't have to exercise..."
          ALWAYS exercise as your program requires. If you're lucky, you'll get addicted and never have to worry about not exercising again.
          I will only forgive you for not exercising if you have to take Zeldox and become utterly despondent (this happened to me); all I
          could see was black because I couldn't open my eyes...

          good luck all,


            p.s. I have always run through the winter. No snow shoes required. Sometimes, for a better workout, I run through an open soccer
            field covered in a few feet of snow--less impact on the body, more leg lift, and better challenge... snow drifts are also suitable.
            When it's icy though, better stick to indoor cross-training (i.e. Wii).



              What a super thing to come back to after a few days away without much exercise - these uplifting posts!

              Astronaut, you are a wonder! I'm not into running in the snow, but plan on walking in the warm throughout the winter. And you're so right about the excuses. I know the difference between:
              - I'm making excuses (common for me )
              - I have a good reason (this includes being *very* depressed)
              - I'm choosing not to, of my own accord... and am ok with the consequences

              Catching up on this thread has given me renewed energy, which I didn't expect just from reading posts. Wow.

              BTW Paul - this exercise business can grow on you, so be careful...

              ~ it's always worth it ~


                Astronaut, you're hard-core! Snow drifts!?! Maybe I'll give it a try this winter. Also, I agree with your no-breaks theory. One day off can leave me thinking do I really want to start that again? I think I'm getting better at knowing when an excuse is valid or me just being lazy (as Uni explained). This helps me not get so disrailed if I do miss a day (for a valid reason).

                Happy exercising!


                  Well, I've gone walking the last two days on an indoor track (given the lovely snow and cold). I love to walk - the trick is to get myself out the door . Yesterday I spent 30 minutes walking, and today 40 minutes, and it felt good! I recorded it on my Sparkpeople chart. I'm trying for 30 minutes of activity 3 times a week, on a regular basis. I will do my best. If you guys lived around here I'd rustle you all up for a group walk

                  While walking I ran ideas through my head for stuff I plan to write about. To have some writing published is a dream of mine, which I intend to turn into reality. However, I'll need lots of practice before that happens.

                  I rewarded myself with a trip to the library for a couple of (possibly trashy) novels and a few other books, including one called "Beyond Blue: surviving depression and anxiey and making the most of bad genes", which looks promising. It's by Therese J. Borchard, who apparently has a blog on something called - anybody heard of it?

                  I'm just skimming through the book here and have found a paragraph that hits home:

                  "I have a dream that health insurance companies will stop serving Satan and read a medical report every now and then, where they would learn that depression is a legitimate, organic brain disease, and that those who suffer from it aren't a bunch of weak, pathetic people who can't cope with life's hard knocks." Amen to that.
                  Last edited by uni; November 16, 2011, 03:25 AM. Reason: it's "a legitimate" - not "illegitimate"

                  ~ it's always worth it ~


                    Hello Uni. I try to walk 5 km a day, so if I start now I can meet you for coffee in about the middle of 2013.

                    On the more serious side, way to keep going. Take Care. paul m
                    "Alone we can do so little;
                    Together we can do so much"
                    Helen Keller


                      Uni - an indoor track sounds like a good place to be on these Canadianish (i.e. cold!) days! A reward trip to the library is a good idea. Would love to read your review on the book (Beyond Blue) you picked up.

                      Paul - 5k a day! Even in the winter? That makes for a lot of good thinking time!



                        Keep up with the walking/exercising you guys.

                        I went swimming in the ocean yesterday... okay, I jumped in the ocean for about one minute. There was actually snow on the beach, it was so cold. I think that, that one minute in the ocean probably burned off enough calories to equal a twenty minute run though.
                        (being cold is a great way to burn calories because your internal furnace goes into overtime). Burning calories wasn't the purpose of
                        my ocean jump. I needed some video footage of myself doing something ridiculous so that's what I chose to do. It was actually
                        kind of fun. I don't mind the cold, I'm always hot and fanning myself or lounging around in a tee shirt when everyone else is in a
                        sweater. --Anyways, turns out that I won't need the video footage after all so that ocean jump was all for nothing.

                        okay, I guess that story was a little off topic but putting on that swimsuit made me feel like swimming again, which is also a great
                        form of exercise! (so is moon walking but you have to have access to a space shuttle for that and I understand that not everyone
                        can afford to rent one).



                          Hello Kaight. Sometimes I slack off some in the winter, but one of the reasons why I got a beagle for a dog is they like to walk a lot. I just sort of drag along behind. Actually I have to be carefull when I walk as I can obsess about unpleasant things very easily. I live in a very rural area so I have to be carefull that I don't let my mind wonder down dangerous alleys, so to speak as there are very few distractions. Take Care. paul m

                          Hello Astronaut. Good Tip, but I'll remain fat rather than swim at this time of year. About the only swimming I do from here to next June is the fully dressed accidental kind. Last year I tried to jump accross a small creak in the winter. If you really want to burn off calories, try walking 1.5 km home in your winter clothing while soaking wet. Take Care. paul m

                          Hello Uni. Sorry to hijack your thread, we now return control to you. Take Care. paul m
                          "Alone we can do so little;
                          Together we can do so much"
                          Helen Keller


                            Must be the space training that helped you do the ocean dunk, Astronaut.


                              Hi all!

                              Today is a jogging day for my couch to 5k program. It is also the first day that it has been below zero. I will take care to avoid small creeks. And oceans.



                                After being out of town for a few days and scarce on the walking, it feels good to be doing some again. Not 5k at the moment, but that will return.

                                I see that people have been busy walking (with or without dogs), jogging, and swimming in c-c-cold water .

                                Who wants to join Paul and me for coffee in 2013? Hightail it for Saskatchewan - that way I won't have to walk as far

                                ~ it's always worth it ~

