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    Food O.A.

    Has anyone had any experience with Overeaters Anonymous? I'm asking because I've been checking it out and would like to learn more about it. I'll sort of try anything once . Hey, minds out of the gutter .

    ~ it's always worth it ~

    nope, never... and I had actually laughed at my tdoc when she told me there was such a thing. I was surprised!
    let me know what you find out.


      Hello Uni. The website looks interesting. Thx for posting about it. Take Care. paul m P.S. My mind is never in the gutter, My whole body has spent a night or two sleeping in one, but my mind was always pure.

      Overeaters Anonymous is a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and food behaviors.
      "Alone we can do so little;
      Together we can do so much"
      Helen Keller


        I was reading on that OA website, and I have to wonder... what does spirituality have to do with overeating?


          Hello Anne. Good question and I tend to agree with you, but here is why they do it. I noticed that O.A. has copied Alcoholics Anonymous literature fairly closely. A.A. traditions were formed back in the 30's when spirituality was a big thing in many peoples lives. Since then A.A. has helped millions of people and see no reason to stop.

          However A.A. has modified it's 12 steps to so that it does allow the use of who ever you refer to as God. To fully understand the meaning you have to take the first three steps all together.(from A.A.)

          "1:We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.
          2: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
          3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him."

          You may notice that once in a while I will end a post with. May your God give you strength to make it through this difficult time. A.A. I think, is just similar.

          The only thing I really know about O.A. is that is where Mike and Molly of the hit TV show Mike &Molly met. Take Care. paul m
          "Alone we can do so little;
          Together we can do so much"
          Helen Keller


            I just finished pondering the spirituality aspect, and wrote a great (in my opinion ) post, which I somehow lost - and have no idea how. Don't you hate when that happens ?

            Anyway, it basically said that I'm ok with the God thing, because having a "higher power" to draw on is something I've done most of my life. Support among people with similar eating issues is something I don't have, though. The concept seems to work for alcoholics, anyway. Maybe even mood disordered people .

            P.S. - I've never seen the show "Mike and Molly". Is it still on? Is it any good?
            Last edited by uni; April 15, 2011, 03:43 PM. Reason: Mike & Molly

            ~ it's always worth it ~


              Hello Uni. Yes I hate it when I lose a post. Mike and Molly is still on and I find it good and my wife loves it. Take Care. paul m
              "Alone we can do so little;
              Together we can do so much"
              Helen Keller


                I'm back on here about O.A.

                I've attended a few meetings and gotten some literature. I can't say it's much different than other 12 step groups overall - the same spiritual basis (which is fine with me, because I am already in a different 12 step group and have been for a few years). The focus, though, is on "abstaining" from certain foods or actions that pertain to "compulsive overeating". I am a little fuzzy on some of it at this point, but will continue to investigate.

                And that's today's O.A. report from the front lines...over...

                ~ it's always worth it ~


                  Hello Uni. Thx for the front line report. I'll join you at the front as soon as I finish my snack(that may take a while)

                  All kidding aside, I think it's great that you are at least giving it a try. Take Care. paul m
                  "Alone we can do so little;
                  Together we can do so much"
                  Helen Keller


                    An update. I now have a loose and reasonable "food plan", which is different from a diet, which I made up on my own and hope will be manageable. So far I'm having sorta kinda some success. Better than without it, so I guess that's something. It's not cast in stone, so can be tweaked if necessary.

                    There are no O.A. meetings in my hometown, but I've gone to some elsewhere, and am still very new at the whole concept. Anyway, there's not much to lose financially because it's by donation, and there are no time or other commitments except those you make to yourself. You do have to be open to the idea of a "Higher Power" however, like in other 12-step groups, which turns some people off.

                    Am toying with the idea of getting a support buddy/mentor, known as a "sponsor", but being the trusting person I am - not! - that is on hold. As for the weight, well, the idea is to live by healthier habits and not to be a slave to the scale. Ok to weigh, though, if you want, and so far I have lost a grand total of one pound, and it has taken me forever. My downfall is eating before bed. Old habits die hard. No quick fix, this.

                    I don't hold out a ton of hope here, but I do have some. I'm within the recommended BMI (body mass index) for my frame, so my main focus is to change the bad habits that have become ingrained over the last few years. I really only want to fit into my nice clothes again, and to recognize the person in the mirror who doesn't look like "me" anymore

                    Certain other people think I look fine, but those who really know me understand that I just don't feel like myself. I miss being active without huffing and puffing. Of course I could just try to accept this and buy all new clothes, but I'm just not ok with that, at least not at present.

                    I do tend to have higher expectations of myself than I do of others, and whatever they are fine with is great, but we are all different. Whatever makes us happy is the important thing. And despite all my complaining here, I am mostly happy and feel very fortunate not to be in the all-too-familiar black hole Compared to that, this weight stuff is miniscule.

                    Thanks for reading!
                    Last edited by uni; May 3, 2011, 04:45 PM. Reason: starting to repeat myself

                    ~ it's always worth it ~


                      my lack of belief in a "higher power" leaves me out. lol!
                      I hope you're finding it helpful.


                        Hello Uni. I am glad that you have a plan and that you are happy with things so far. Thx for sharing. Take Care. paul m
                        "Alone we can do so little;
                        Together we can do so much"
                        Helen Keller


                          Cheering you on with your stratedgy . Sounds really good.


                            Anne, Paul, Rebecca...thanks for the encouragement! It does make a difference

                            ~ it's always worth it ~


                              that's what we're for... encouraging each other!

