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Out of whack

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    thanks Lizzy. I guess I didn't mean that I was lame, just that my reason for crying was lame!


      Uni I'm glad you can post here and tell us about your struggles. Still, it's not the same as seeing your therapist. Can he (she) get you in any sooner than Sept. if you call?

      Hopefully the dentist will get you in. They should have someone covering for emergencies.

      Make sure you have travel insurance that includes medical before your trip to the States.

      Hopefully you can get in to see your GP before you leave too. Some meds interfere with the body's ability to sweat, and therefore interfere with the body's ability to cool off.

      Enjoy the wiener roast. Will there be marshmallows too?

      I know how hard it is to be 'out of sorts' and off balance. I hope the heat lets up, and you get more sleep. Perhaps time away will also give you a chance to look at some relationship issues without the everyday distractions. Relationships are difficult no matter how 'good' they are.

      Humans punish themselves endlessly
      for not being what they believe they should be.
      -Don Miguel Ruiz-


        I think the result of a few things and sooo not lame.


          Thanks for the encouragement and feedback. Sleep continues to elude me most of the time, but I am feeling somewhat better all around today because it is a little cooler and I can have a breeze coming in

          Astronaut, I'm glad your nausea didn't last. How are you doing otherwise? And to answer your question, I need to cry but it can't seem to. Sooner or later it will happen and I'll feel better, I know.

          AJ, there's no way of seeing my tdoc because she's on holidays, but come September if I'm still so mixed up I'll make an appt. And thanks for mentioning the health insurance - I double checked mine after reading your post and it's fine.

          Beware, what follows is mostly me complaining...

          I couldn't get in to see my dentist or GP, so I went to a walk-in clinic and the doc prescribed some antibiotics to head off the tooth problem while I'm away. I hpe they do the trick. I've got a dental appointment for after I get back.

          I also asked the doc why I'm hot all the time and he put it down to menopause. The thing is, this is not exactly hot flashes (I get them too), because I'm not sweating and have had this problem off and on since my twenties. I also tend to retain water in hot weather. Maybe my body wants to hang on to water because it's dehydrated (my sister's suggestion). I usually have to force myself to drink water and haven't been doing so. Who knows, maybe that's all I need.

          As for the nausea, I didn't even go there with the doc. After going off the Effexor a few years back, the nausea never totally disappeared, and it flares up at the drop of a hat. My mom was similar (although I never understood what she meant at the time), and she wasn't even on meds.

          I do need to take my meds at more consistent times, but since being retired my routine keeps changing and I'm finding that hard. And although there are some foods I need to avoid before bed (or I will feel terribly pukey the next day, almost like a hangover from food), these days I feel pukey next day even without eating them - it doesn't seem to matter.

          Back when the nausea was with me 100% of the time and I was on zero meds, I had every test known to humankind done and nothing explained it. My pdoc said my depression had "somatized". My mood was fine, but my stomach was sick. Then my mood got not-fine and back I went on meds, and the nausea settled sorta kinda. Which is where I've been since. Usually it's decent. Sometimes there are stretches where it's not there at all. And sometimes it's just awful. Has anybody else run into this "somatization" explanation?

          There's a subtle difference between nausea and the "kicked in the stomach by a football" feeling. Often mine is a mixture of the two. Does anyone else experience this? The football one on its own can be powerful, but I can get rid of it often through the cognitive stuff - changing my thoughts basically. The other just stays and feels like motion sickness. So maybe it's two separate issues masquerading as one. All I can do is manage them the best I can.

          As for the trip with my bf, I don't want to make waves unless it's something I really have an issue with, so I guess we'll see. It's hard to say how he will be feeling either. It will be an experience no matter what - hopefully a good one. My tdoc tells me I get all worried before my trips and then come back and say I had fun. She's right, I have trouble with anticipatory anxiety. As for the relationship as a whole, I want to pay attention to my instincts, share honestly, listen, and not try to tackle everything at once.

          Oh yeah, about the weiner roast. On a practical level it had glitches, because we had trouble finding a spot that wasn't full of people. But we did, and eventually got the fire burning, and had wieners and buns and fruit and marshmallows and drinks, but the specialness was simply spending time together, out of the ordinary. I think the world of my nephew, and although I don't know his girlfriend well, I hope they are good for each other, and share a lot of happiness.

          And I wish happiness for all of us here, too. We are precious, beautiful, and worthwhile.... I love us all

          ~ it's always worth it ~


            Hey Uni,

            It sounds like you've been dealing with this nausea for way too long. That must be really frustrating that you've had so many tests done and that they can't figure out what it is. At least if they knew what it was you could perhaps figure out a way to deal with it rather than just sort of guessing how to deal with it best.

            I hope that your trip goes well and that your tooth issue doesn't flare up.
            be well,


              Hello Uni. Sorry to hear about your problems. I can't say what is bothering you as nausea can have a lot of different origins. However as person who has spent a zillion $ on dentists I can tell you that tooth problems can present in a wide variety of ways. From feeling sluggish, to lousy, to having sore throats and so on, all without even having a tooth ache at times. A problem with a tooth is an entrance way for bacteria and infection to enter our bodies without being seen. Good dental hygiene and great looking teeth, doesn't mean that there isn't a hidden problem.

              Relationships are always difficult over time. I don't mean difficult bad, I just mean that every time we think that we have everything figured out, something else crops up. Often these are things that we have little control over (relatives, illnesses, bad days at the job, etc), not to mention each person own little quirks. Learning what to ignore and what to talk about is difficult in itself. Making time to talk about ones relationship is often more difficult . I tend to talk to much and my wife tends to talk too little, neither is good, but you have to make time to talk. I find that making lists help, my wife hates them as she feels I am writing down everything. So we compromise and we only talk about one or two things at a time.

              Good luck with everything and I hope that you feel better soon. Take Care. paul m
              "Alone we can do so little;
              Together we can do so much"
              Helen Keller


                Yeah, Paul is right about the tooth thing. My mum has been really nauseous and sick this past month and she may have a tooth infection because she lost a filling (I think that's what is was). She thinks her sickness is from the tooth which seems logical. She doesn't have as many other health factors to take into consideration (i.e. meds and mood disorders). Her only other main health issue right now is menopause--which could also be causing the nausea.

                be well,

