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Am I getting better?

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    Yeah Woody, you are right. I need to pace myself better during the good periods and I think I am getting better but my husband sometimes still has to remind me.

    Today, I am lonely. I have put a request out for a coffee date to someone only to be turned down about 6 times. I guess I should get the hint. Also, on facebook, I sent two small messages to two of my friends only to have them not respond. I have a habit of taking things like this very personal and thinking that I am just not worthy of company or perhaps I said or did something that hurt them but I know that isn't the case. Guess it is just my negative thoughts pushing through. Anyway, I can't stand the quietness in the house today. I am giong out to a retirement home this afternoon to help my minister deliver communion then going to a support group tonight. Hopefully all that will help.

    This week my family starts family counselling in regards to my illness. My children desperatly need it (we all do, although my husband may deny this). I will keep you guys informed.

    Bye for now.
    Not a great day.


      Tsk ... The nerve of some people and not answering there messages

      I was out shopping this morning. I always try to go off peek hours. Me and busy does not always work so good.

      Looks like you have a busy afternoon and evening. First group ... nervous?


        Tracey, being sensitive is part of being a really nice person which you are. I have found your posts very supportive and caring.

        I think if you are able to bounce back from other peoples' insensitivity and make plans for the day the way you have I think you are coping very well.


          Hello Tracey. Leila63 puts it real well. Sometimes being caring also means being sensitive, and your caring.

          I hope things went well with your other activities. Take Care. paul m
          "Alone we can do so little;
          Together we can do so much"
          Helen Keller


            Hey guys. Thanks for the compliment. It meant alot on a day when I was feeling lonely. I have to tell you the rest of the day went pretty good. The retirement home was nice. I think most of the people in this home are close to having to go in a nursing home but I met one really nice lady and we had a good chat. I think she loved the company. I also ventured out to my first support group meeting. It was alot larger then I expected. There were 15 people there. I would say I was one of the younger ones and most people are pretty stable and have been going for along time. Just like here, I think there is alot of wisdom in that group. I do plan on going back. I just hope that I don't go down the path where I don't want to believe I have it again and shut all my resources out. In a way, it is kinda overwhelming right now talking so much about it and trying to get things all figured out for my family. I don't mean, getting me stable. I mean, going for family counselling and hearing how this illness is effecting them all. Today, I have a doc appointment. Nothing big. She is a good listener for me. Kinda like a counsellor. And Woody....yes, I was nervous last night when it came time to speak but once I did, all was good.

            Thanks guys.


              Good for you Tracey.

              Being nervous is to be expected... it's something new. I never thought about it but we have some younger people that come from time to time, but mostly older people come.
              15 is a good crowed! Hope you gave yourself a good pat on the back I usually get myself a treat on my way home to reward myself for going out and making the effort. Tonight is my group night and I have been having this KFC craving that has been brewing for some time.



                Good for you Tracey. Our group was small last nite because of poor weather, so you never know, but 15 is large. Whenever we have that many we try to split into two groups for the evening(our room is big enough).

                Our group faces the same problem in being older. We have tried very hard to get youth to come and stay, but we have had no luck.

                There are always times where I think I might be better again, but I've learned I still have to take my meds. Congrats again. Take Care. paul m
                "Alone we can do so little;
                Together we can do so much"
                Helen Keller


                  Glad to hear the group went well Tracey. 15 is a crowd for me.

                  Humans punish themselves endlessly
                  for not being what they believe they should be.
                  -Don Miguel Ruiz-


                    Had my doc appointment today. Just basically talked about some stuff. I have some non - bipolar medical issues to look after but nothing big. Anyway, the main thing is that she thinks I am not spending enough time on myself. So, I am to find ways to do that. You good, exercise, if I need to destress watch a good movie...stuff like that. With some things that are going on in my life right now, she wants me to take care of myself. I agree.

                    Today was pretty good, except for the time when I had a "pop-shot" and started crying in a parking lot. I'm calling them "pop-shots" cause they only last for 30sec - 5 min, then I am back to my base line. Very weird. Getting used to them for now until they figure out my meds.

                    Woody and Paul...hope you had fun at your group this week. AJ, do you belong to a group?


                      Oh hey....has anyone heard the term Bipolar 3. Supposedly it exists. One lady in the group last night was explaining that that is the one where your moods can be effected by certain meds (i.e. anti depressants make you manic as well as antihystamines). I've never heard of that before.


                        Hello Tracey. This takes a bit of an explanation. There are 4 definite types of bipolar according to DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ). This is the book used by shrinks to see which type of mental disorder you have( depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders etc) and is considered the bible on mental illness. (I just explained this last night at group so it's still fresh in my mind)

                        Those 4 are bipolar 1 , bipolar 2, cyclothymia (where you have hypomania, but not enough depressive symtoms for true depression) and bipolar nos which means not otherwise specified. This is a catch all for somebody who doesn't meet one of the first three.

                        A rare few get schizo-affective disorder which is schizophrenia and bipolar together, but is not listed under bipolar in DSM-IV-TR.

                        So for bipolar there really is bipolar 1, bipolar2, cyclthymia, bipolar nos and shizo affective disorder. Some people have included a few other links and say there are bipolar 1 to 6 now.

                        In regards to anti-depressants(A/Ds). Yes they can cause mania and even rapid cycling in a person with bipolar. It is estimated that about 30% of people with bipolar will start to rapid cycle if they take A/Ds. If I take A/Ds for 3-4 mths they will over ride what ever other meds I am on and send me really manic.

                        Antihistamines can cause problems for people with a mood disorder. Not so much with occasional use, but more with prolonged or heavy use. They can produce anxieties and other things that a normal person would have no problem with, but with which I have great problems. Generally they are not considered a huge problem overall for the average person with bipolar taking an average amount. Take Care. paul m
                        "Alone we can do so little;
                        Together we can do so much"
                        Helen Keller


                          III Depending on who you talk to can be various things.

                          Paul mention the DSM. Here is a link if you wish to read more about it. The WHO also has there own branding under the ICD. You can read more about that one here. In both cases I suggest having an ample supply of Tylenol at your disposal

                          The is a draft version of the DSM-V that is suppose to be released in February
                          DSM-V: The Future Manual

                          Note: The new Web site, which will include proposed revisions and draft diagnostic criteria, has been rescheduled for launch on Wednesday, February 10, 2010.

                          Meeting was very good. The forth Wednesday of the month is family night. You can bring a family member or someone that is of support to you. There was at least a dozen ... i did not count.



                            Woody thanks for the info. As you know DSM-V is way overdue. When ever they make an annoucement about it I always wonder if when it actually comes out if I'll have to go in an have a fresh assestment done before the will renew my scrips. You know " sorry paul you were crazy in the old book, but not in the knew one" Or else they will say that anybody with bipolar 18 and above has to be permanently locked up and that'll be me .
                            "Alone we can do so little;
                            Together we can do so much"
                            Helen Keller


                              If that's the case Paul, you'll be in good company because I'll be there too. Tea anyone?

                              Humans punish themselves endlessly
                              for not being what they believe they should be.
                              -Don Miguel Ruiz-


                                Since the first time I stepped into a pdocs office, it has always been the DSM-IV. It feels a little freaky have a new edition out there. Do you think they'll mention anyone by name?

