The Canal Pursuit for Mental Health is a 700 km run roughly following the Trent Severn Canal from Port Severn to Trenton and then the Rideau Canal from Kingston to Ottawa. This year, the runners will start on August 20th and complete the route on August 27th, 2022, finishing at Parliament Hill.
Clay ran this entire route the first two years, by running an average of 90 km per day. Since that time, he has led a team of relay runners to continue the battle against depression for years to come by running. The relay runners will run 10 km long segments in pairs, running an average of 80 km per day, allowing time to talk with local first responders, sports clubs, community groups, schools, and health groups along the way, keeping the conversation ongoing about mental illness and health, all while following local mental health guidelines.
The Canal Pursuit for Mental Health campaign is receiving support and encouragement from MDSC. “The conversation that we want to promote with this project is two-fold”, says Clay. “First, if you’re struggling with a mood disorder, talk to someone you trust. The second part of the message is that physical activity can help make many symptoms of mood disorders more manageable, fitting in with the national Defeat Depression campaign.
We all have an important role to play in removing the stigma around mental illness, so that people can feel comfortable reaching out to seek treatment.”
“The Mood Disorders Society of Canada is very proud to support Clay Williams on this physically challenging campaign that exemplifies one man’s passion to make a difference as the team runs tirelessly, so too should we all stop and realize that mental illness affects us all and we all need to come together and support change within mental health in Canada,” states Dave Gallson, National Executive Director, MDSC.
Information and Donations
More information about the Canal Pursuit for Mental Health can be found on the Canal Pursuit Facebook page www.facebook.com/canalpursuit and on Twitter @canalpursuit. Daily communications during the run and GPS tracking are also part of this campaign. Donations are greatly appreciated – large and small – all count! There are two ways people can provide funds:
1) Online at the Defeat Depression Canal Pursuit website: CanalPursuit.DefeatDepression.ca
2) Mail a cheque payable to “Mood Disorders Society of Canada” to:
46 Hope Crescent, Belleville, ON K8P 4S2
Be sure to note: Canal Pursuit in the memo section of your cheque.
Defeat Depression is a national mental health fundraising and awareness campaign. Volunteers and organizations across Canada organize walks, runs, and other physical or social activities to support awareness of mental health, reduce stigma, and encourage people to come forward for the help they need. For more information visit www.defeatdepression.ca.
MDSC is a national, not-for-profit, consumer-driven, voluntary health charity committed to ensuring that the voices of consumers, family members and caregivers are heard on issues relating to mental health and mental illness; and in particular, with regard to PTSD, depression, bipolar illness and other associated mood disorders. MDSC is working on raising the awareness of mood disorders as treatable medical disorders and eliminating barriers to full community participation by reducing discrimination and stigma among the public, treatment and service providers, and governments. For more information visit www.mdsc.ca.
For further information:
Clay Williams, CET Mood Disorders Society of Canada
Canal Pursuit for Mental Health or E-mail: info@mdsc.ca
100mileclay@gmail.com Tel: 613-921-5565
Cell / text: 226-979-8155
Facebook.com/canalpursuit @
Twitter @canalpursuit
Instagram canalpursuit