Mood Disorders Society of Canada is pleased to announce that Mayor Watson of Ottawa, with members of the selection committee, has awarded Sylvio (Syd) Gravel, with the prestigious 2020 Order of Ottawa. This award celebrates outstanding citizens who have made a significant contribution in a professional capacity that has benefitted the Ottawa community.
Staff Sergeant (ret’d) Sylvio (Syd) Gravel is the co-Lead of the MDSC Peer and Trauma Support Services (PATSS) Team. When asked about this honour, Dave Gallson, National Executive Director, Mood Disorders Society of Canada advised: “We are delighted that Syd has been recognized with this award. He has dedicated his life to supporting and being a champion to those with a lived experience. He takes an innovative approach to sharing knowledge and experience in the training of peer support groups.
This year’s Order of Ottawa ceremony has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Syd and the other recipients will be honoured officially at a ceremony in 2021.
About the Mood Disorders Society of Canada:
The Mood Disorders Society of Canada was launched in 2001 to provide people with mood disorders, their families and caregivers a strong, cohesive voice at the national level on issues relating to mental health and mental illness. With particular regard to depression, bipolar disorder and other associated mood disorders, the MDSC aims to improve access to treatment, inform research, shape program development and government policy to improve the quality of life for people affected by mood disorders.
For more information:
(613) 921-5565