Bio – Dave Hargreaves
Co-Facilitator: The Paramedic Focused Peer Support Workshops
Peer Support Specialist
Dave began his paramedic career in the County of Simcoe in 1985 after graduating from Humber College with Honours. In addition to working on the road, Dave was also a Base Hospital Instructor for Royal Victoria Hospital as well as being seconded as the Ministry of Health Acting Regional Training Coordinator for Region 3.
Dave also spent time as an Operations Supervisor with a portfolio of leading the paramedic training for the County Service.
After a couple of years Dave missed being “on the road” and returned to being a front-line medic. Back in this role he also enjoyed the opportunity to precept paramedic students and share his knowledge and experience with others.
In 2005 Dave was awarded the Governor General of Canada’s Exemplary Service Medal after 20 years of service and, in 2015, Dave was awarded with his 30-year Exemplary Service Medal.
Early 2021 brought a diagnosis of P.T.S.D. and subsequently Dave spent three and half months at Bellwood Hospital in Toronto receiving treatment for his psychological injury.
It was while at Bellwood he realized that Peer Support was crucial for his recovery and healing journey.
After leaving treatment Dave continued with his Peer Support and began facilitating at meetings towards the end of 2021. He continuously advocates for first responder’s mental health issues and combatting the stigma surrounding such injuries. He has been interviewed internationally to speak about P.T.S.D. and the effects of it on first responders and their families.
Dave is the proud father of two sons, Alexander and Jackson, and continues to live in his hometown of Barrie with his Labrador Henry.