Bio – Dylan Merrick MA
Dylan Merrick is a PhD Chicanx student at the University of Saskatchewan in the department of Indigenous Studies. Before that he completed a Master’s in sociology and Dual Bachelor’s in history and sociology from the University of Nevada Reno.
In between completion of his master’s and entering his PhD he was the social marketing and public education coordinator for the Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Administrations, Circle of Care Grant that served the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone, Lovelock Paiute, and Yomba Shoshone Tribes spanning over three years. During of which he worked with community, data collected by the grant, and local stakeholders to produce many different community products and resources.
In fall 2022 Dylan Merrick completed his redesign of the SK-NEIHR website @https://research-groups.usask.ca/fmhrn/
Dylan is leading the expansion of MDSC MIRA: The Virtual Mental Health Assistant into Indigenous communities. Feel free to reach out @dylan.merrick@usak.ca to inquire more.
University, Conference, Tribal Community, and Tribal Council presentations
Conference Presentation
National Environmental Indigenous Health Research Networks: National Gathering of Graduate
Students (2022). MIRA: The Mental Health Chatbot
University Presentation
Merrick, D.E. (2022). MIRA: The Mental Health Chatbot. Presentation at Graduate Symposium at University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, CA
University Presentation
Merrick, D.E. (2018). The Tunisian Revolution as a Catalyst to the Arab Spring: A Case Study of Revolution in North Africa and the Middle East. Presentation given at to Sociology Department at UNR, Reno, NV, USA.
Merrick, D.E. (2016). Ending an Era through Empire building: The American Conquest of The Ohio River Valley. Presentation given at to History Department at UNR, Reno, NV, USA.
Tribal Community Presentations
Merrick, D.E. (2019). Wraparound Care for Tribal Communities. Presentation given at to FPST Tribal member and leaders, Fallon, NV.
Merrick, D.E. (2019). System of Care Development for Community Awareness. Presentation given at to FPST Tribal member and leaders, Fallon, NV.
Merrick, D.E. (2019). Community Readiness Results. Presentation given at FPST Tribal Action Committee and in different community events in Lovelock, Yomba, and Fallon, NV.
Merrick, D.E. (2019). Social Marketing and Public Education Document. Presentation given at FPST Tribal Action Committee and in different community events in Lovelock, Yomba, and Fallon, NV.
Merrick, D.E. (2019). LGBTQIA+ and two spirit. Presentation given at FPST Tribal Action Committee, Fallon, NV.
Merrick, D.E. (2018). End School Lunch Debt Now. Presentation given at FPST Tribal Action Committee, Fallon, NV.
Merrick, D.E (2022). MIRA: The Mental Health Virtual Assistant. Presentation given to Maskwacis Cultural College
Tribal Council Presentations
Merrick, D.E. (2020). Circles of Care Website presentation upon completion. Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribal Council Motion for support June 23, 2020.
Merrick, D.E. (2020). Circles of Care Website proposal and presentation. Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribal Council Motion for approval September 10, 2019.
Merrick, D.E. (2019). Social Marketing and Public Education Document. Presented to Fallon Paiute-Shoshone, Lovelock Paiute, and Yomba Shoshone tribal Councils and approved to move forward with grant goals. December, 2018.
Merrick, D.E. (2019). Community Readiness Results. Presented to Fallon Paiute-Shoshone, Lovelock Paiute, and Yomba Shoshone tribal Councils and approved to move forward with grant goals. December, 2018.