Bio – Jacqui Wasacase
Jacqui Wasacase comes to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada Board from many years in the nonprofit world. She has been involved in community work , designing, developing and implementing programs since 1984. Starting out in the human services industry in social work and service Jacqui has seen many changes in in the sector throughout the years. Educated at both University of Regina and McGill University her career has taken her from facilitating, to counselling to working with gang intervention, mental wellness on all levels, women’s sexual rights and health and working with global justice issues. A past Board member of the Canadian council for International Cooperation , she thrives on working hard, pushing for change and championing youth. Jacqui is a recipient of the Queens Platinum Jubilee Medal for her years of community service.
She is a wife, a mother, and proud granny of 3. She brings to the table a whole lot of wisdom, a love of learning, a big sense of humor along with a serious dose of advocacy and a true passion and love for the work she does in her communities.