Bio – K. Paul MacKenzie
Paul is a former Halifax Regional Police Officer (Rtd), having served in Patrol Division, Mounted Division and as the Employee and Family Assistance Program Coordinator. Paul is presently the Firefighters and Family Assistance Program Manager for the Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency.
Over the past 30 years, Paul has developed and implemented policies and programs pertaining to the delivery of Employee and Family Assistance Programs, Referral Agent Programs, Critical Incident Stress Management to emergency service providers such as the RCMP, Emergency Medical Care (EMC) Paramedics, 911 Operators, Children’s Aid Society, Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority, Atlantic Support Services Association and the Canadian Coast Guard. As well as for community based trauma response teams such as Strait Area Debriefing Association, Eastern Shore CISM Debriefing Team, Kanesatake Community Trauma Response Team (Quebec), Yarmouth County Community Response Team and the Chippewa’s of Georgina Island (Ontario).
Paul has also worked with the Native Community in the Maritimes as the liaison officer between the Regional Police and the Native Community. He continues to work with the Native Community across Canada as well he has served on the Atlantic First Nations Task Force on HIV/AIDS, former healing consultant for Teachings of the Sweet Grass Braid Society (survivors of residential school), a facilitator of the teachings of the Medicine Wheel and an associate counsellor for the Eagles’ Nest Recovery House. Paul is the former Director of the Spirit of the Eagles’ Feather Society.
Paul is a past member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Traumatic Stress Network. He is also currently a member in good standing with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, the Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists, the Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention, the Suicide Information & Education Centre, the former Nova Scotia EAP Association (Past President) and the Addictions Intervention Association. Paul is past Vice Chair of the Executive Board of Directors for Alcare Place, an addictions’ recovery house located in Halifax, NS and recently served as the Atlantic Regional Director on the National Board of Directors for MADD Canada.
Paul has been recognized for his work and has received many awards such as the St. John Ambulance Appreciation Award, The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. Jerusalem, The Priory of Canada, The Halifax Police Department Award of Recognition for the Employee Assistance Program, Medals of Exemplary Service from the Province of Nova Scotia, Health Canada Award of Recognition for services provided for the Swissair Flight 111 Recovery, 2007 National recipient of the Tema Conter Memorial Trust Public Service Award and recipient of the 2012 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. Paul has also been featured in many articles on the both his personal and professional life and most recently was featured in the book “The Sixty Second Story” written by Janice Landry.