Bio – Robin Wright
Co-Facilitator: The Paramedic Focused Peer Support Workshops
Peer Support Specialist
Robin is a former Advanced Care Paramedic and Acting Superintendent with nearly 20 years’ experience in the field of Paramedicine. She began her career working in Toronto, Ontario, Canada where she was born and raised before moving to the National Capital Region, where she currently lives with her partner and two children.
After receiving a work-related diagnosis of PTSD, Robin struggled to find peer support locally. This led her to open the Ottawa chapter of Wings of Change Peer Support in 2017.
Robin received her certificate in Peer and Trauma Support Systems (P.A.T.S.S.) through the Mood Disorders Society of Canada in 2018 and continued to facilitate local meetings for several years.
In 2021, Robin partnered with the Heroes Equine Learning Program (H.E.L.P.) in Ottawa to create and co-found the H.E.L.P. Peer Support Group, which offers free bi-weekly support meetings for First Responders, Military and Corrections members.
Robin also volunteers her time with Badge of Life Canada facilitating national peer support meetings.
In 2022, Robin proudly accepted a role with the Peer and Trauma Support Systems (P.A.T.S.S.) team to present and deliver their 16-hour Paramedic-focused Peer Support Training program.
As a strong advocate for First Responder mental health and having experienced the extraordinary connections that peer support can build, Robin strives to share its positive benefits with all front-line professionals who are on their journey back to wellness.