
MDSC is pleased to partner with organizations across Canada to assist them in raising awareness about mental illness in the workplace and in the classroom.

Scroll down to learn more about the organizations that have launched Elephant in the Room Campaigns.

To learn more about the Elephant in the Room Campaign, visit this webpage, or contact MDSC

Mental Health Student Champions From Trillium Lakelands Schools Fight Stigma

I am very pleased to announce that the mental health student champions from five Trillium Lakelands District School Board secondary schools have partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health. The […]

Mental Health Student Champions From Trillium Lakelands Schools Fight Stigma2021-02-20T17:56:46-05:00

Saskatoon Mental Health Committee Seeks To Reduce Stigma

I am very pleased to announce that a mental health committee has been established by caring individuals who reside in the City of Saskatoon. This committee has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health and local resources available. The […]

Saskatoon Mental Health Committee Seeks To Reduce Stigma2021-02-20T17:50:42-05:00

St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto Partners on Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very pleased to announce that St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health.

By displaying the blue anti-stigma elephant, people will ask you what the elephant is about – which can […]

St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto Partners on Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:46:20-05:00

The Salvation Army In Toronto Raising Awareness About Mental Health

I am very pleased to announce that the Salvation Army in Toronto has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health.

By displaying the blue anti-stigma elephant, people will ask you what the elephant is about – which […]

The Salvation Army In Toronto Raising Awareness About Mental Health2021-02-20T19:10:37-05:00

Appleby College Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that the Appleby College has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the college.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness because of the stigma which […]

Appleby College Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:41:24-05:00

Academy of Learning Career College Alberta Campus Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that the Academy of Learning Career College Alberta campus has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the college.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness because […]

Academy of Learning Career College Alberta Campus Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:36:43-05:00

3rd year Red River College Partners with MDSC on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that Red River College in Alberta has partnered with us for the third year on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the college.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness […]

3rd year Red River College Partners with MDSC on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:37:22-05:00

Nova Scotia Community College Partnered on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that Nova Scotia Community College has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the school.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness because of the stigma […]

Nova Scotia Community College Partnered on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:25:41-05:00

Bracebridge Secondary School Raises Awareness Of The Elephant In The Room

I am very happy to announce that the Bracebridge Secondary School of Trillium Lakelands District School Board has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the school.

Too often, […]

Bracebridge Secondary School Raises Awareness Of The Elephant In The Room2021-02-20T17:15:22-05:00

Seneca College Students Help Support Elephant In The Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

Mood Disorders Society of Canada is proud to recognize 4 students from the Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology – Social Service Worker Program who raised funds in support of our international Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign. The students are: Jessica Galeano, Sureaga […]

Seneca College Students Help Support Elephant In The Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T16:40:01-05:00
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