
Veterans Affairs Canada Implements Elephant In The Room

Mood Disorders Society of Canada is proud to announce that Veterans Affairs Canada has partnered with us implementing our international Elephant In The Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health in their workplace nationally. Veterans Affairs Canada is working diligently to create a workplace of choice and is committed to care, compassion and respect and the Elephant […]

Veterans Affairs Canada Implements Elephant In The Room2017-02-06T18:13:53-05:00

A Study of Stigma: Mental Health Initiatives


Of the stigmatized conditions present in society, mental illness ranks near the top of the list. A variety of misleading and inaccurate facts generate stereotypes, fears, and forms of rejections. The stigma associated with mental ill health is detrimental to the well-being of those directly affected by mental illness; an alarming one-fifth of the Canadian […]

A Study of Stigma: Mental Health Initiatives2021-03-15T20:21:14-04:00
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