
Slay The Toxic Dragon

Brad McKay, Barbara Anschuetz, and Syd Gravel are pleased to announce that “Slay The Toxic Dragon – Police Leadership Impacting Member Wellness” has now been released in print and e-format from your favourite book stores and via

Print […]

Slay The Toxic Dragon2021-08-06T13:52:45-04:00

Canal Pursuit for Mental Health Seventh Annual 750km Run

Canal Pursuit Run Logo

BELLEVILLE, ON July 22, 2021 – Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) today extends an invitation to Canadians to again support the Defeat Depression Campaign through donations and sponsorship as Clay Williams leads the Seventh Annual Canal Pursuit for Mental Health Relay Run from Port Severn to Kingston […]
Canal Pursuit for Mental Health Seventh Annual 750km Run2021-07-26T15:06:01-04:00

Grounding Technique for Anxiety

Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our COVID-19 and mental health knowledge base that is available to Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. They provide coping strategies and resources to assist you during these challenging times. Please avail yourself of these resources and share them with your family […]

Grounding Technique for Anxiety2021-07-22T11:25:48-04:00


Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our COVID-19 and mental health knowledge base that is available to Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. They provide coping strategies and resources to assist you during these challenging times. Please avail yourself of these resources and share them with your family […]


Mood Disorders Society of Canada announces their 2021 National Awards Program

Each year the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) presents national awards –in recognition of outstanding work achieved in mental health.  Nominations will be open to submissions for an individual or an organization who fits the nomination criteria.  Nominations for awards will open June 29, 2021 and submissions will be accepted up to […]

Mood Disorders Society of Canada announces their 2021 National Awards Program2021-06-29T15:00:21-04:00

Defeat Depression Day is May 29th 2021

Defeat Depression Day is May 29th 20212021-05-29T14:51:13-04:00


Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our COVID-19 and mental health knowledge base that is available to Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. They provide coping strategies and resources to assist you during these challenging times. Please avail yourself of these resources and share them with your family […]


The Social Impact of COVID-19

Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our COVID-19 and mental health knowledge base that is available to Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. They provide coping strategies and resources to assist you during these challenging times. Please avail yourself of these resources and share them with your family […]

The Social Impact of COVID-192021-07-14T09:07:52-04:00 Website Announcement

Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) continues to offer new content to our mental health-related knowledge base available through our websites and social media streams. In response to the increase in demands from all sectors, our expanding resources offer additional awareness, education, coping tools and supports to assist Canadian families.  

One of […] Website Announcement2021-04-26T08:14:55-04:00

Comorbidity – Depression & Migraine

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our mental health knowledge base that is available to Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. These updates provide awareness, education, coping strategies and resources to assist Canadian families.

The latest update features ‘Depression and Migraine’ which outlines the […]

Comorbidity – Depression & Migraine2021-07-14T09:08:27-04:00
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