MDSC Quick Facts on Mental Illness & Addiction in Canada
On behalf of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC), I am pleased to present the fourth edition of “Quick Facts on Mental Illness & Addiction in Canada”. In keeping up with the many changes that have occurred within the mental health field within the past ten years, we felt it was important that this resource be updated to reflect these changes. The incredible demand for copies of the first three editions has been phenomenal. There is now no doubt that there is a need in Canada to bring together, a comprehensive, evidence-based document containing important statistics relating to mental illnesses and addictions. The impact on individuals and their families, the healthcare system, the workplace, and the economy, in general, is extremely significant. There is also a need to develop a common understanding of the relationship between mental illnesses, addictions, and physical illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. We are certain that you will find this fourth edition useful and very informative.
We have added more sections and statistics and additional pages of important facts. We have written it in a style that will facilitate the uptake of the information by all members of the Canadian public. All facts provided in this handbook are evidence-based. Fully sourced citations are provided on the Mood Disorders Society of Canada website including where reference documents can be accessed. We trust that this Fourth Edition of “Quick Facts on Mental Illness & Addiction in Canada” will encourage public understanding and discussion of a subject that requires more dialogue by all. We ask that in using this document as a resource you provide credit to the MDSC.
We would like to offer our thanks to Dr. Barbara Everett for providing additional research for this fourth edition booklet, and to all those who have contributed their time and efforts on this project. MDSC would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement in the development of these educational resources. MDSC would like to thank Janssen Canada Inc. for an unrestricted educational grant which made it possible for MDSC to develop this resource booklet.
Additional hard copies of this handbook or any other of our other publications can be ordered by visiting the MDSC Shop, or by contacting us directly.
For more information please read our booklet (PDF), Quick Facts on Mental Illness & Addiction in Canada.