Finding Help

Perhaps the greatest challenge in coping with a mood or anxiety disorder is finding the right kind of treatment and support to meet your needs. We know from experience just how frustrating and confusing it is to find help. The good news is that with psychiatric treatment, over 80% of people experience a full and complete recovery, and they are able to return to work and play with minimum disruption.
The following information builds on the experience of people who have had a mood and anxiety disorder and is provided to help you think about and find the resources you need within your community.
As you begin to look for help keep these points in mind:
- You have the right to receive quality care.
- You deserve the best care possible.
- Finding the right treatment is a trial and error process.
- Accessing services can be very challenging.
- Be prepared to do some research.
By providing these links, the Mood Disorders Society is not endorsing the organizations listed. Rather this resource is intended to provide you with information to aid you in your research. The list provided is not necessarily complete.