For immediate release. Belleville, ON. January 17th, 2025.

Mood Disorders Society of Canada announces the 2024 Recipient of the Young Researchers with Lived Experience Award

Mood Disorders Society of Canada is proud to announce ‘Jillian Stringer’ as the 2024 recipient of the Dr. Barbara Everett Award for Young Researchers with Lived Experience.

This award is presented to a Young Researcher with Lived Experience who has demonstrated significant contributions in the field of mental health, emphasizing knowledge dissemination and innovative approaches.

“It is with pride that MDSC announces the Dr. Barbara Everett Award for Young Researchers with a Lived Experience. The first recipient of this award is ‘Jillian Stringer’. Jillian is dedicated to Canadian mental health and knowledge dissemination as an innovative young researcher. Her advocacy in mental health and research experience spans beyond the Canadian borders. Congratulations on being the first recipient of this new National MDSC Award.” says Cynthia Black, President of Mood Disorders Society of Canada

About Mood Disorders Society of Canada:

Mood Disorders Society of Canada was launched in 2001 to provide people with mood disorders, their families and caregivers a strong, cohesive voice at the national level on issues relating to mental health and mental illness. With particular regard to depression, bipolar disorder and other associated mood disorders, the MDSC aims to improve access to treatment, inform research, shape program development and government policy to improve the quality of life for people affected by mood disorders.

For more information:
(613) 921-5565
