World Bipolar Day is a day for connection, outreach and coming together in solidarity around the goal of increasing awareness and acceptance for bipolar disorder. For more information on bipolar disorder please read our information booklet.

Please share using: ​#WorldBipolarDay #WBD #WBD2021.

Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our mental health knowledge base that is available to all Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. Please avail yourself of these resources and share them with your family and friends.

About the Mood Disorders Society of Canada

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada was launched in 2001 to provide people with mood disorders, their families and caregivers a strong, cohesive voice at the national level on issues relating to mental health and mental illness. With particular regard to depression, bipolar disorder and other associated mood disorders, the MDSC aims to improve access to treatment, inform research, shape program development and government policy to improve the quality of life for people affected by mood disorders.

For more information:
(613) 921-5565