Toronto, ON. Tuesday August 16, 2022

MDSC and the MIRA team are pleased to announce that Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC) has awarded MIRA with a MHRC- Knowledge Institute Partners for Child, Youth & Family Mental Health Research 2022-2023 Industrial Post-Doctoral Fellowship!

This award, presented in partnership with the Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions, matched by the Mitacs Accelerate Program, will support the active engagement of a new Postdoctoral Fellow in their efforts to expand MIRA’s state-of-the art services to children and youth in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia, further advancing mental health and addictions research in this field, as well as strengthening the collaborative network between academia and community-based child and youth mental health program providers.

“The onset of mental health and addiction challenges most often begins in adolescence. Health-promotion behaviours are often set before someone reaches the age of 20. Youth presents a window of opportunity, where we can make a real difference. This grant awarded by MHRC will help support our efforts to increase touch points for youth trying to access much needed services and information. We thank MHRC for supporting this project and our efforts to bridge gaps in care for young people in Ontario and from across Canada.”– Dave Gallson, National Executive Director of Mood Disorders Society of Canada

“MHRC’s strong commitment to supporting early career researchers continues and is growing as we establish new co-funders who understand the need to build the research pipeline at a time when mental health is centrally in focus. We are particularly proud to support the important work of, and collaborations led by, the Mood Disorders Society of Canada. Their long-standing reputation for excellence and our joint interest in ensuring collaboration between academia and communities makes them an ideal partner for MHRC. We look forward to seeing this important multi-province work evolve to impact the lives of Canadians across the country.” – Akela Peoples, CEO of Mental Health Research Canada

About Mood Disorders Society of Canada

MDSC was incorporated in 2001 with the overall objective of improving access to treatment, informing research, and shaping program development and government policies with the goal of improving the quality of life for people affected by mood disorders. MDSC has evolved into one of Canada’s best-connected mental health NGOs with a demonstrated track record of forging and maintaining meaningful and sustained partnerships with the public, private and non-profit sectors throughout Canada. Collaboration is an MDSC operational principle.

For more information:
(613) 921-5565