Mood Disorders Society of Canada Statement on COVID-19
We here at the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) like you, have been saddened to see the world-wide devastating impact that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having. 
We are in the beginnings of a health epidemic, which is touching each of us in many ways. It is forcing all of us to view many of our everyday activities differently and making us change the way we live.
As a national mental health organization, we understand this is a challenging time for many of us. We fully understand that along with COVID-19 physical symptoms, there is a significant mental health component that is affecting the majority of us. We want you to know that we are with you through this time and our thoughts and focus goes out to all Canadians, and indeed everyone throughout the world as we are all in this together.
Our top priority is ensuring the health and safety of all Canadians, staff, volunteers, and community partners. We would like to share our commitment to continuing to serve Canadians and the steps we are taking to support you during this changing and difficult time.
Firstly, we are stepping up our activities to help support you through these times. While our team is working remotely, you will continue to have full access to all of our resources, tools and supports through our websites and social media streams. You will find a full program listing in our profile book here. There are also links to these programs and resources at the bottom of this release. 
We have made the decisive decision to postpone our national Canadian Educators Conference on Mental Health (CECMH) conference until next year. We are placing Canadians health at the forefront and bringing people together in large groups in the coming months is not conducive to fighting this virus. We will not place anyone at risk. These precautionary measures have been taken to limit the potential spread of the virus, to protect Canadians and our employees in this period. We have made the commitment to not have our staff attend large meetings or conferences for the foreseeable future.
We are increasing the COVID-19 and mental health knowledge we will provide Canadians through our social media streams. You will see a distinct increase in the provision of this information from MDSC and the sharing of health care professionals and stakeholder mental health organizations. We have and will continue to provide coping strategies and resources through our online resources to assist you during these challenging times. Please avail yourself to these resources and share with your family and friends.
Due to the COVID-19, we must change how this years national Defeat Depression mental health campaign events are held in May. We will be working closely with local communities to continue delivering the campaign, while following international requirements to combat this virus by practicing social distance. This includes ensuring residents continue to be able to take part in the campaign to support their local mental health resources in a manner which is safe, fun and provides the opportunity to help everyone’s mental wellness. 
Participants in the Defeat Depression campaign will continue to register online and will be able to walk, run or ride at their own schedule, in their own way. Whether it is taking a walk, running on their treadmill, riding a bike path, or taking a stroll on a trail, Canadians will be able to take part in the campaign and support their local mental health services that are so desperately needed, while this year, maintaining social distance physically. Updates will be posted on social media and the campaign website; we will have a national online event with guest speakers, testimonials and music on May 30th, Defeat Depression Day. If you would like to participate in the campaign, you can register here, you can also take part in the #defeatdepressionchallange for all Canadians (below).
Due to COVID-19, this year more than ever we need your help. Please take care of yourself and your family’s mental wellness while supporting mental health services and resources for Canadians. 
We know that we will be going though a challenging number of months. We need to stand together and look after each other. Please take the time that you and your family needs. Prioritize what is important in your lives. We all need to have patience, practice good self-care, and have empathy for each other. 
About the Mood Disorders Society of Canada:
The Mood Disorders Society of Canada was launched in 2001 to provide people with mood disorders, their families and caregivers a strong, cohesive voice at the national level on issues relating to mental health and mental illness. With particular regard to depression, bipolar disorder and other associated mood disorders, the MDSC aims to improve access to treatment, inform research, shape program development and government policy to improve the quality of life for people affected by mood disorders. 
The Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) has evolved to become one of Canada’s best-connected mental health NGOs with a demonstrated track record for forging and maintaining meaningful and sustained partnerships with the public, private and non-profit sectors throughout Canada.
Mental Health Resources:
For more information:
(613) 921-5565 
MDSC and the Defeat Depression national campaign events across the country invites all Canadians to join together this spring in the
Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) has stepped up our activities to help support you through these stressful times. We are inviting all Canadians to participate in the
#defeatdepressionchallenge by supporting mental health through social media in a manner which is safe, fun, and helps maintain everyone’s mental wellness. Join the challenge, post your photos and follow activities across the country over the coming weeks, and stay connected through to May 30th!
What is the #defeatdepressionchallenge?
Especially in today’s COVID-19 environment, taking care of your mental health is extremely important. This challenge is a way for all of us to come together and take part in activities as a community, share with each other, encourage each other, and support each other’s wellness through this time.Engage in a virtual activity like those mentioned below or create your own and post it to social media using the hashtag #defeatdepressionchallenge. Be sure to mention/tag us in your post on Twitter@DefDepression
@defeatdepressioncaand mention MDSC’s Instagram account
Then, on May 30th (Defeat Depression Day), join Canadians online and enjoy a live streaming event where we will have guest presenters, lived experience testimonials, a mental health presentations, and musicians performing original songs that focus on mental health, as well as other special guests.
Please take care of yourself and your family’s mental wellness. We look forward to having you join the challenge over the next few weeks!
Examples of virtual challenge
activities that you can do, or create your own! 
Share with everyone and make this time less stressful!
Together we are stronger!
Exercise (based on your level of acceptable physical activity)
  • Walk / jog outside your home: practicing social distancing around your block, local running track, or around the perimeter of your property with your family;
  • Hike a nature trail with your children and have them identify the birds they see, pack a picnic lunch and enjoy dining in the fresh air, bring birdseed & peanuts to feed birds, squirrels, chipmunks;
  • Enjoy a family bike ride around the neighbourhood, local bike trail or waterfront, challenge each other to make note of the variety of birds, squirrels, etc. to see who can spot the most
  • Check out YouTube for an exercise video that is consistent with your level of ability and the type of physical activity that you want to do – example aerobics;
  • Exercise equipment – if you have exercise equipment use it — such as a treadmill, an exercise ball, home weights;
  • Have family challenges by creating a fun, safe obstacle courses in your backyard or home, issue a fitness challenge ie. Run on the spot for 30 sec., do 30 sit-ups, do 30 push-ups, jump rope for 30 seconds, do 30 jumping jacks…repeat course 2 times set up rules to determine criteria for bragging rights of course! Be creative if doing it outdoors.
  • Dance – put on your favourite music and dance with your family, break out the dance party video (or YouTube), and have fun. Play a game of musical chairs: winner gets to pick a family movie to watch;
  • Chair exercise – sit in a chair and exercise your upper body;
  • Walk inside your home: take a walk inside your home for a pre-determined time on a schedule that you establish – up and down stairs and through your hall-ways;
  • Skip – pick up a skipping rope and see how long you can go;
  • Play a game such as a board game or cards, implement little challenges, (who has to do some little form of pre-determined exercise or a household chore?), play charades;
  • Zumba fitness cardio workout if you want to have fun with Zumba, dance to the best beats with a nonstop workout;
  • Morning yoga – A 15-minute yoga workout aimed to strengthen and to stretch your body. Perfect morning yoga to wake up your body but also great anytime and anywhere;
  • HIIT workout – High-Intensity Interval Training, involves a short workout and quick bursts of energy with quick resting periods. (Most HIIT workouts are not more than 30 minutes).
  • Strength building workout – assists with flexibility, mobility and improved performance.  
  • Family cooking – engage your family in a fun event such as making an individual pizza topped with cheese and veggies, cupcake making is always fun;
  • Bake a batch of cookies;
  • Have the family create incredible meals together;
Sleep and Downtime/Relaxation
  • Breathe, slow down, enjoy a 5-minute break to just relax through the day to recharge;
  • Find time to do some gentle stretching and deep breathing, take a bubble bath, enjoy a cup of lovely, relaxing herbal tea;
  • Create a new routine established by you to place your technology out of the bedroom allowing for a night of restful sleep –place your phones/laptops and other devices in a safe place nightly after cleaning them
  • Commit to creating a calm space in your home to gather your thoughts and commit to going there on a pre-determined schedule;
  • Enjoy a good book;
Family Time
  • Make hand-washing fun by singing a song with your family and establishing times to wash;
  • Play cards and old-fashion board games…where the winner is recognized as ‘exempt from house-hold chores’ for the day!
  • Hold a reading-bee and establish a schedule to read to your kids, or read as adults;
  • Go back to basics and enjoy the simple things, watching a family movie with popcorn, put together a family album of favourite photos, create a family montage for your rec room, play an old fashioned game of bingo, host your own family idol singing completion…have fun!!!
  • Do a family project such as making a small planter garden, each person picks something to grow and starts with seeds to start their planter, herbs, vegetables or flowers…they get to pick and maintain throughout the growing season.