Brad McKay, Barbara Anschuetz, and Syd Gravel are pleased to announce that “Slay The Toxic Dragon – Police Leadership Impacting Member Wellness” has now been released in print and e-format from your favourite book stores and via
Print Book: ISBN 978-0-9881316-8-2
Electronic Book: ISBN 978-0-9881316-9-9

Toxicity is one word no executive ever wants to hear as it relates to their organization. It is understandable that organizations and the leaders within want to portray their work environment as supportive of their members when it comes to mental health, but we see far too many being hurt and unsupported for us to not speak out.
Toxicity can be very subtle. The more people talk about respect and support within the workplace the more elusive and conniving and controlling sources of toxicity can become. If it isn’t nipped in the bud, then toxicity can destroy an organization.
This book is truly about leaders taking ownership of their own environment and doing what is right. The more they know about what can go wrong the more likely they are to not let it take hold.
Filled, from beginning to end, with example after example of survivors’ testimonials as to things gone wrong and strategies offered to address such situations and dilemmas based on a combined over 102 years of experience.
All of the contents are anonymous, leaving everyone thinking… “Is this about me?”
“Slay The Toxic Dragon is a must read and a must have for anyone either in a leadership role, or anyone who aspires to be the leader that they were born to be.”
Pete Grande, Director-Member Benefits, Toronto Police Association
“I recommend Slay The Toxic Dragon as a valuable and necessary tool to promote protection of the men and women—first responders—who put their own [physical] health, mental health and lives in jeopardy to protect the general public.”
Charlene Sunkel, Founder/CEO of the Global Mental Health Peer Network
“I strongly recommend police executives, as well as officers and their families, read Slay The Toxic Dragon as a way to get inspired in their perspectives and discussions on how to promote organizational wellness.”
Dr. Konstantinos Papazoglou, Ph.D., CPsych; Clinical & Forensic Psychologist; Researcher & Law Enforcement Consultant; Founder & Director, ProWellness Inc., Toronto; Vice-President, POWER Project, San Diego
“The authors of Slay The Toxic Dragon provide a boots-on-the-ground approach that can benefit the front line, middle management and leadership ranks in all police organizations.”
William (Bill) Rusk (Sgt ret’d), M.A.Sc., B.A., C.P., Executive Director, Badge of Life Canada/Insigne de vie Canada
“Always brutally honest, Slay The Toxic Dragon is often uncomfortably frank, this crucially important collection of personal testimonials, coupled with the authors’ decades of lessons learned, are the first steps in fixing what is not always right.”
Dave Gallson, National Executive Director, Mood Disorders Society of Canada
“Slay The Toxic Dragon must be required reading and included in all supervisory and leadership training and promotional processes.”
Bruce A. Sokolove (Coach Sok) Law Enforcement Trainer and Consultant, Field Training Associates
“Slay The Toxic Dragon addresses the cultural challenges that police organizations face today and addresses these issues with courage, integrity and authenticity.”
Sgt. Belinda Mason, Human Resources, Police Service of Northern Ireland
“Slay The Toxic Dragon is a must read for any leader interested in truly effecting cultural change within their organizations.”
Michelle Vincent, Ph.D., M.A.C.P. , (Ret’d police officer, York Regional olice)Founder/Director, The Haven “For Members by Members”
“In this world of so much ‘noise’ on so many topics, think of this trio of writers as ‘noise reduction headphones.’ Slay The Toxic Dragon will be a reading experience you will benefit from and want to share.”
Neil Orr, Ret’d Detective Constable, York Regional Police, former Secretary/
Treasurer, York Regional Police Association, York Region CISM, Team Alumni member
Syd Gravel and Brad McKay gave the world a piece of life and wisdom with Walk the Talk and I am confident that Slay The Toxic Dragon with Dr. Barbara Anschuetz is going to be even better.
Louise Murphy (Churchill Fellow), Founder and Director, The Australian First Responder Foundation; Peer Support Coordinator, St. John Ambulance, New South Wales
“Understanding the concept of a toxic culture is important in the process of repairing harm in our workplaces. It is essential to equip leaders with the tools to identify the critical factors that initiate a toxic environment in the workplace, take action to prevent the recurrence and address the harm that has occurred. This is where Slay The Toxic Dragon does the job”
Chief Scott Todd, North Bay Police Service
“Both Sylvio (Syd) A. Gravel (M.O.M.) and Brad McKay (CTSS) are well-respected and highly decorated retired police officers, each with a life-long passion to aid others. Brad and Syd are trauma survivors who have become role models of incredible resiliency, dedication and tireless volunteerism.
“Dr. Barbara Anschuetz, EdD., CTTS, is a registered psychotherapist and the director of the renowned Trauma Centre in Sharon, Ontario. Barb’s psychotherapeutic intervention skills and treatment successes are well-known; consequently, her clinic attracts police officers from across the province. Barb’s enthusiasm, compassion and empathy are inspirational!”
Dr. Mechtild Uhe, C.Psych., Manager, Psychological Services, Ontario Provincial Police
“I am grateful to Brad, Syd and Barb for all they have done to assist thousands of emergency service first responders. They are true mental health pioneers and champions who have collectively dedicated more than a century to tirelessly assisting those who keep our communities safe and secure.
Slay The Toxic Dragon intentionally provides a provoking and powerful lived-experience perspective that will challenge leaders to open their hearts and minds through the experience, perspective and insight of our members–those who are relying on us for our understanding, compassion, engagement and action-oriented leadership.
Leadership demands responsibility–the responsibility to do the right thing for the right reason every time–particularly for a police leader, who is accountable for leading the brave women and men who commit themselves and risk their lives to protect the public from harm and to safeguard the quality of life in our communities.
As leaders, if we take the time and interest to learn from the past and are willing to take responsibility for and engage in the present, we have the ability and–frankly–the responsibility to create a better future. For those leaders who are committed to leading culture change in the best interests of their members and the communities they serve and protect, Slay The Toxic Dragon provides an action plan for success. It enables us to fulfill our foremost responsibility, which is to ensure the safety, health and wellness of our members, so they can in turn ensure the safety, health and wellness of our communities.”
Thomas Carrique, O.O.M., M.A.
Ontario Provincial Police |
6814 Harbour Street, Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario, Canada. K0A 1X0 |
Hugs and thank you to all of you during this time of social distancing July 2021 |