As part of our Bloom Blog, we will be releasing creative prompts related to the topic of mental health. We are inviting youth across Canada to reflect on these prompts and express themselves via a creative medium of their choice.
We welcome submissions as creative expression of all kinds; whether it be fine art, writing, photography, music, or anything else.
Submissions can be anonymous and will all be screened before publication to the blog.
Some submissions may also be selected for an honourable highlight on the blog; creators’ of honourable highlights will be given the opportunity to interview, discussing their creation.
Our prompt for January 2022 is:
What does the New Year mean to you?
Some related prompts include:
- What are your mental health or self-care goals?
- What are you looking forward to in 2022?
- What are you grateful for from 2021?
- What did 2021 look like for you? What did you learn?
- Create a collage about your 2021
- Reflect on some life transitions you have navigated or expect
Learn more about the submission process and share your work for a chance to be featured by visiting this page.
Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, January 30th, 2022.