As Omicron and other COVID variants impact the workplace landscape, research-based insights are increasingly critical to workplace wellness strategies. The new research paper sponsored by Mood Disorders Society of Canada and Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC) spotlights key facts on the scope of economic turmoil, work sectors facing high degrees of stress and burnout, and the scope of unaddressed mental health needs.
MDSC and MHRC are working with our national and regional partners to support the workplaces of our country. We wish to do this by sharing policies and practices that are showing positive results to support mentally healthy employment environments. We began by researching for best/ promising practices internationally and have finalized the Workplace Mental Health Strategies – A Search for Promising Practices Report.
Please take (and share with others) this short (5-10 minute) survey where we will ask what your organization may have implemented to help with the mental wellness of your workplace. We depend on your submissions so that we can assist workplaces that may not have the programs that you have. Together, we will share and support each other to improve workplaces and reduce mental health risks.