
Mood Disorders Society of Canada presents What is Bipolar Disorder? 3rd Edition

Mood Disorders Society of Canada presents What is Bipolar Disorder? 3rd Edition

As part of their popular public educational series, Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) provides public education and awareness information on mental illness and subjects that affect our mental health. For people who are impacted by bipolar disorder, it is crucially important to […]

Mood Disorders Society of Canada presents What is Bipolar Disorder? 3rd Edition2022-06-28T13:30:33-04:00

MDSC launches project to partner with Community-Based Mental Health Organizations

Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) is a national lived experience mental health charitable organization committed to ensuring that people impacted by mood disorders enjoy the fullest lives possible, within a healthy, stigma-free environment. We have a long history of collaborative partnerships with various levels […]

MDSC launches project to partner with Community-Based Mental Health Organizations2023-08-10T15:00:52-04:00
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