Advocacy Toolkit Letter Templates
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Letter writing is an effective option, particularly if it’s on behalf of many constituents, as it shows that time was spent by the advocate. Note that letters take a longer time to organize and may not receive a timely response. We recommend attaching a digital copy of your letter to an email.
We encourage you to customize the letter as much as possible and, if you work at a facility, include local information on your organization and community.
Choose Your Letter
Letter 1: General Public, People with Lived Experience, and Allies
[Address of MP]
Dear [Name],
As a constituent in [riding], and a [member/supporter] of [Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) or your community mental health organization]. I am writing to urge you to take action to address the serious and growing mental illness and substance use disorder crisis in Canada. [Insert 1-2 sentences about your personal experience/a loved one’s experience, or your reason for support].
Our health care system is not equipped to handle the current levels of demand, leading to significant strain on health care services, which means that more Canadians are looking elsewhere for help. Community-based organizations are well-positioned to address gaps in the mental health care system. They can offer resources, programs, services, and coping mechanisms to those seeking mental health support.
The challenge is, community mental health groups are critically underfunded, leaving them unable to meet this growing demand for services, particularly for conditions like anxiety and depression. As part of your election platform, I am requesting you to declare your support for the role community health organizations serve in our community to improve the health and well-being of residents in our community. [If applicable, write 2-3 sentences about you or your loved one’s experience accessing community health care].
Some examples of how the government could address the mental health crisis are:
• Support community-focused mental health services to address the serious issue of mental illness (including substance use disorders) affecting millions of Canadians across the country
• Support system transformations with technological advances that support access to timely, accurate, and effective mental health care
Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Canadians affected by mood disorders like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. You can learn more about the MDSC at
I am happy to connect with your office to schedule a meeting to further discuss ways we can improve mental health care in Canada. Please contact me at [phone number] or by email at [email].
Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.