
Improving Access to Medications in Canada and Strengthening the Patient Voice in CADTH

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada has grown out of the vision and drive of a number of mental health consumer leaders from across Canada who in 1995 saw the need for a broad- based structure to bring consumers of mental health services together and who believe that consumers have a key role to play […]

Improving Access to Medications in Canada and Strengthening the Patient Voice in CADTH2022-11-16T16:51:05-05:00




We know that mental illness affects every household in our country, directly or indirectly, and we are thankful that this serious illness will receive focused funding to support the health care needs of Canadians.


MARCH 2017 MDSC NEWSLETTER2017-03-20T09:35:12-04:00

MDSC presents to Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs on preventing veterans suicides

Mood Disorders Society of Canada
A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Suicide
Presentation to House of Commons Veterans Affairs Committee Meeting
For its study on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Among Veterans

Delivered by Phil Upshall and Dave Gallson
Feb. 15, 2017

Thank you Mr. Chair and fellow committee members for the opportunity to speak today on this very important study on […]

MDSC presents to Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs on preventing veterans suicides2017-02-28T09:56:50-05:00

APEC Digital Hub welcomes recommendations to grow health care sector in innovative ways


Government must support small and large innovative health projects in timely fashion for ideas to grow into outcomes for Canadians

OTTAWA, FEB. 7, 2017—The APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health welcomes […]

APEC Digital Hub welcomes recommendations to grow health care sector in innovative ways2017-02-13T11:54:46-05:00

CAMIMH Encourages Everyone to Talk, Text and Join the Conversation on Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 25, 2017!

OTTAWA (January 19, 2017) The Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) would like everyone to take a moment on January 25th to talk, text and join in on social media in support of Bell Let’s Talk Day and mental health in Canada.

As the national voice for 17 health associations, CAMIMH hopes to […]

CAMIMH Encourages Everyone to Talk, Text and Join the Conversation on Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 25, 2017!2017-02-06T18:13:48-05:00

CBC Hosts Blue Monday Event

CBC hosted an event to help lessen the effect of blue Monday. Blue Monday is considered the most depressing day of the year. The festivities of the holiday season are over, the weather is cold and gloomy and people are back to work. Instead of greeting cards in the mail, you receive credit card bills.

CBC […]

CBC Hosts Blue Monday Event2017-02-06T18:13:48-05:00

St Catharines Ontario man hikes to Defeat Depression

Jonathan Toews wants to make a difference, he wants people to start talking about mental health. His passion is inspired from his own struggles with his mental health as well as the struggles his family has faced. Jonathan will be hiking Ontario’s Bruce Trail in four separate 24hr hikes to raise funds and […]

St Catharines Ontario man hikes to Defeat Depression2017-01-17T15:22:00-05:00

MDSC encourages feds to maintain $5 billion investment in targeted mental health funding

GUELPH, ONT., Dec. 21, 2016Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) is pleased to see the federal government supporting targeted funding for mental health and strongly encourages Health Minister Jane Philpott to maintain the federal position of investing $5 billion over the next 10 years to address an epidemic affecting all Canadians.

As a leader in innovative […]

MDSC encourages feds to maintain $5 billion investment in targeted mental health funding2017-02-13T11:55:06-05:00

Group leading global super cluster in mental health innovation calls on Premiers and Prime Minister for targeted mental health funding; welcomes federal Finance committee recommendations

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OTTAWA, DEC. 9, 2016—On behalf of the APEC Digital Hub on Mental Health, chief financial officer Phil Upshall congratulates the House of Commons Finance committee for its important recommendations for […]

Group leading global super cluster in mental health innovation calls on Premiers and Prime Minister for targeted mental health funding; welcomes federal Finance committee recommendations2017-02-13T11:55:22-05:00

Walk The Talk – First Responder Peer Support

Mood Disorders Society of Canada is proud to announce a new book being released by our Peer and Trauma Support Systems (P.A.T.S.S.) Team Leads Syd Gravel and Brad McKay.

“Walk the Talk”, introduces all the phenomenal “Boots-on-the-Ground” information that every organizational leader needs to have at their fingertips to go from having nothing or very little […]

Walk The Talk – First Responder Peer Support2017-02-06T18:13:48-05:00
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