by Rougayyah J
I finally cleaned my room for the first time in weeks! For some, it might be a mundane usual chore but for me, it was revolutionary.
I often find myself in a sort of emotional rut every now and then. Whether it is because my life is hectic at times with exams, what seems like endless work or life responsibilities, the aspect of rearranging and organizing my space can be daunting. I sit and stare and the piles of laundry that accumulate as each day passes by. It becomes overwhelming and I am more and more discouraged to get started. The cycle at times can feel endless. I understand that perhaps organizing my space can help me in other aspects of my life and help me establish a healthy routine, but getting started is the tough part.
Sometimes I start with the little things. Putting away a piece of clothing or two. Rearranging my bookshelf and perfumes – that is my favourite part. Or better yet, when that little window of motivation or energy arises, the task is less intimidating. However, when at times that energy doesn’t come around, I often have to remind myself that it is okay not to have the most organized space at all times. To be a little more gentle with myself when things are overwhelming and I just don’t have the time to put everything away where it should be.
I also remind myself that my room for example is my safe space. It is an extension of who I am – where I place my prized possessions, things near and dear to me, where I rest, find solace and ‘me time’. It is also a space I share with loved ones/friends for movie nights, hangouts, and relaxation. It is a familiar and calm space I come to after a long day.
It is worth looking after, even if it takes time to get around. Reflecting on those aspects truly helps make things a little easier and that is why I finally cleaned my room.