Recovery Stories
Welcome to “Recovery Stories”. These stories have been submitted to us for sharing on this site. MDSC does not endorse or recommend the recovery techniques shared in these stories or endorse the authors. The stories are as unique as their authors. Recovery is a journey of hope that is unique as each person. We hope you find the stories helpful and inspirational.
Please consider sharing your Recovery Story to inspire others.
Leif’s Story: Overcoming Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder can be incredibly disabling. Mine snuck up on me, with depression rearing its ugly head before I was even ten years old. What I can’t get over now was how blessed I was to have a fantastic elementary [...]
A Lesson in Self-Acceptance: Louise’s Bipolar I Story
I have worked as a social worker in the fields of child protection and children with disabilities, with a keen interest in social issues and mental health. I am a regular blog writer for CREST.BD’s “lived experience”; writing [...]
Shane’s Story
As I start to type this, I’m thinking that this might be a part of my upcoming eBook. Spoiler alert: I haven’t fully recovered, as I don’t think anyone truly recovers from depression but I am on a good path. [...]
Jennifer’s Story
It took thirty six years and three suicide attempts for my recovery journey and trauma healing to start.Thirty six years of trying to find help, begging for help and never getting it.Sure I would get medication, the wrong ones at the [...]
My Story (Ben)
I grew up in a nice town in South Florida, was fortunate enough to have both parents in my life and give me every opportunity to succeed. I did good in school, had plans to become a teacher after I graduated [...]
Husam’s Story
Husam Alaghbari is a DP, cinematographer, editor who brings visuals to life. Known for his inspirational storytelling methods, he has the ability to engage with the viewers leaving them in awe. Husam began his career in Ottawa shooting weddings, music [...]
Come Alive
For as long as I can remember, I never really felt a part of. I spent years of my life changing shades like a chameleon. I grew up with my father, stepmother, and half brother. Unbeknownst to me, my biological mother [...]
Daniel’s Story of Recovery
I had the childhood anyone would want. Loving parents, a neighbourhood block with tons of kids my age to play with, and the opportunity to do anything I wanted with my life, surely a lot more fortunate than many children. I [...]
Cassidy’s Recovery from Addiction and Dual Diagnosis
As a young girl my parents always encouraged me to be involved in the community. They wanted me to play sports, participate in after school clubs, and interact with other children. I had trouble finding the motivation to go do [...]
Through the Fire and Into the Light
My whole life I was told to sit pretty and keep my mouth shut… little girls were meant to be seen not heard. I was pretty good at my job of doing this and was the little girl that dreams [...]
Susanne – My journey with mental illness in a nutshell
Times and dates are approximate. Just so you know, it's extremely rare for me to talk about my mental illness with people. Only a few good friends know, literally. Even though they know, it's not talked about it. I'm always trying [...]
Living with Bipolar Disorder – Tara’s Story
Struggling with mental illnesses is never easy. However, we don't need easy we just need possible - and recovery IS possible. Sometimes you may feel like giving up, but just remember you're never alone. I have personal struggles with Bipolar Disorder. [...]
Start with your smile
My name is Kelly Wong, I am 26 and currently living in Toronto, Ontario. For the past few years, I have been battling with depression. Until the recent year, I am on the path of recovery. Thanks to my family [...]
Sophie’s Story
“From birth, you could tell there was something different about me. I would always cry and never sleep as a baby. As the years went by, things just got harder and more complicated. Doctors refused to diagnose me with anything. [...]