NYAC Bloom Blog2023-08-16T10:52:20-04:00

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This blog is a multimedia publication platform for youth to share their experiences with mental health. We welcome the use of a variety of expressive methods, whether it be fine art, writing, photography, and many more. We hope to generate productive conversations about mental health and show young people that they are not alone in their journeys.

The content posted on this blog may contain sensitive and/or disturbing subject matter. Please take note of the specific content warnings indicated before every post and proceed at your own discretion. If you are experiencing a crisis, please see the following resources:

The opinions expressed in this blog are the author’s own. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC). MDSC does not endorse nor support views, opinions, or conclusions drawn in these posts and we are not responsible or liable for any content, accuracy, or quality within the article or for any damage or loss to be caused by and in connection to it.

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Work-Life Balance

by Rougayyah J As the school year begins to come to an end, many are preparing for summer internships, employment, programs or even the beginning of their careers as they complete their studies. The aspect of starting a new job is exciting and an incredible milestone to celebrate! It can also be a new and challenging transition to navigate. The words ‘work-life’ balance have been mentioned often in different [...]

What Are You Grateful For Today? A Reflective Piece About Gratitude

by Rougayyah J Gratitude. The act of showing appreciation and feeling thankful. I have heard this term many times growing up - from peers, adults, inspiring and motivating speeches. It seems like a simple concept that we often do - thanking someone for a kind gesture or action. Feeling thankful when you’re being celebrated or receiving a gift. However, gratitude can run deeper than a thankful moment (often [...]

The Power of Perception

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Meaning Of Semi-Colon

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