
MDSC Proudly Introduces Medications and You book.

Mood Disorders Society of Canada is proud to announce the launch of our latest in a series of public education resources, Medications and You book.
We know that one in five Canadians will have a mental illness or issue each year. Often, the first step is a discussion with a family physician or other health professional about the […]
MDSC Proudly Introduces Medications and You book.2017-12-18T08:52:26-05:00

Peer and Trauma Support Systems (PATSS) Update

The MDSC Peer and Trauma Support Systems (PATSS) Team facilitators Staff Sergeants (ret’d) Brad McKay and Syd Gravel, held a much demanded two-day Peer Support Training at The Trauma Centre, in Sharon, Ontario on Oct 12 and 13th with 19 participants from a variety of […]

Peer and Trauma Support Systems (PATSS) Update2021-03-07T19:32:52-05:00

Canada and China team up to tackle mental health – announcement on outskirts of APEC meetings in Da Nang


5-year technology project will enable better access to mental health treatments and patient-focused care

OTTAWA AND DA NANG, VIETNAM, NOV. 9—As the Canadian government attends the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, […]

Canada and China team up to tackle mental health – announcement on outskirts of APEC meetings in Da Nang2017-11-09T12:32:18-05:00

Appleby College Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that the Appleby College has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the college.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness because of the stigma which […]

Appleby College Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:41:24-05:00

Academy of Learning Career College Alberta Campus Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that the Academy of Learning Career College Alberta campus has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the college.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness because […]

Academy of Learning Career College Alberta Campus Partners with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:36:43-05:00

3rd year Red River College Partners with MDSC on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that Red River College in Alberta has partnered with us for the third year on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the college.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness […]

3rd year Red River College Partners with MDSC on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:37:22-05:00

Nova Scotia Community College Partnered on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

I am very happy to announce that Nova Scotia Community College has partnered with us on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental health at the school.

Too often, people are afraid of talking about mental illness because of the stigma […]

Nova Scotia Community College Partnered on our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign2021-02-20T17:25:41-05:00

Canada’s APEC Digital Hub: Leading the Way on an Innovative Mental Health Super Cluster

Canadians are taking a leadership position in an innovative, science-based campaign with the potential to transform global understanding and treatment of mental wellness through an unprecedented digital collaboration leveraging the knowledge and research efforts of countries around the world.

Canada on the global front lines of an innovative […]

Canada’s APEC Digital Hub: Leading the Way on an Innovative Mental Health Super Cluster2021-02-23T20:09:36-05:00

MDSC elevates Gallson and bolsters public policy team

Guelph, ON July 7, 2017 — Dave Gallson, a nationally known advocate for Canadians’ mental health needs, has been named National Executive Director of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC), as the organization also expands its public policy focus on a national scale.

Gallson has a long history working within the mental health sector and […]

MDSC elevates Gallson and bolsters public policy team2017-07-07T09:36:38-04:00
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