
Defeat Depression Campaign Improves Community Mental Health

The Defeat Depression campaign continues to build on its five years of success assisting community mental health organizations raise much-needed funds to support their services and programs. The campaign has again seen expansion with new locations and events across Canada.  MDSC is proud to welcome new event locations in Antigonish, Woodstock/Oxford , Orillia, Charlottetown, Barrie, Perth/Smith Falls and […]

Defeat Depression Campaign Improves Community Mental Health2017-02-06T18:13:48-05:00

Fall 2016 MDSC Newsletter


Mood Disorders Society of Canada was honoured to have the Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National
Defence in Toronto September 26, 2016 to officially launch the […]

Fall 2016 MDSC Newsletter2017-03-15T17:23:56-04:00

Transitions to Communities Launched

Veterans Affairs Canada Minister Kent Hehr was in Toronto September 26, 2016 to officially launch the Transitions to Communities program on behalf of the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour at the Royal Canadian Military Institute. The launch event was well attended by veterans and local and national leaders.

Mood Disorders Society […]

Transitions to Communities Launched2021-03-14T20:16:43-04:00

Clay Williams’ EPIC run to Defeat Depression!

Clay Williams – has just finished running 750 KM in support of Defeat Depression – Canal Pursuit —  congratulations!

While running along the Trent and Rideau Canal systems, Clay made an incredible impact speaking at scheduled events, in schools, with organization and with individuals.  His personal campaign had a significant impact with individuals currently going through […]

Clay Williams’ EPIC run to Defeat Depression!2017-02-06T18:13:48-05:00
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