February 2019 MDSC News
You don't want to miss this. The latest update from Mood Disorders Society of Canada As 2019 kicks off, we look forward to a year filled with working together to make significant advancements in [...]
December 2017 MDSC Newsletter
Medications and You, Fighting Stigma and more - MDSC Update Having trouble viewing this email? Click here WELCOME TO OUR UPDATE! (Version français) NEW ASSOCIATE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AT MDSC Mood Disorders Society of Canada [...]
National Pharmacare Program, Supporting our Vets and MORE – MDSC Update
WELCOME TO OUR UPDATE! (Version francais) NEW NATIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AT MDSC Mood Disorders Society of Canada is pleased to announce that Mr. Dave Gallson has been appointed National Executive Director at the MDSC [...]
WELCOME TO OUR UPDATE! MDSC SUPPORTS $5B INVESTMENT IN TARGETED MENTAL HEALTH FUNDING We know that mental illness affects every household in our country, directly or indirectly, and we are thankful that this serious illness [...]
Fall 2016 MDSC Newsletter
MOOD DISORDERS SOCIETY OF CANADA NEWS Mood Disorders Society of Canada was honoured to have the Honourable Kent Hehr, Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence in Toronto September 26, 2016 to officially [...]
February 2016 E-Newsletter
_ February 2016 E-Newsletter Canadian Educators Conference Defeat Depression Incredible Accomplishment! Thanking our National Sponsors APEC Digital Hub Elephant In The Room Educational Programs Mental Health In the Workplace Peer & Trauma Support Services [...]