EITR Campaign

Posters for Download

Letter (8.5″x11″)
Workplace | Classroom

Ledger (11″x17″)
Workplace | Classroom

Poster (17″x23″)
Workplace | Classroom

Additional Resources

Brochure (PDF)
Webpage of resources (link)

Elephant in the Room Campaign Participants

Vale Canada – Newfoundland and Labrador Operations is Partnering with the Mood Disorders Society of Canada’s Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign

January 20th, 2023|0 Comments

For Immediate Release Vale Canada – Newfoundland and Labrador Operations is Partnering with the Mood Disorders Society of Canada’s Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign Mood Disorders Society of Canada [...]

  • COVID19 and Stigma

COVID-19 and Stigma

February 8th, 2021|0 Comments

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada continues to add to our COVID-19 and mental health knowledge base that is available to Canadians to access through our website and social media streams. They provide coping [...]

Organizations That Have Launched Elephant in the Room Campaign

MDSC is pleased to partner with organizations across Canada to assist them in raising awareness about mental illness in the workplace and in the classroom.

Scroll down to learn more about the organizations that have launched Elephant in the Room Campaigns.

To learn more about the Elephant in the Room Campaign, visit our MDSC EITR page, or contact us.


Keyano College

We are happy to announce that Students’ Association of Keyano College has partnered with us on the implementation of the Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental illness in their community by posting Elephant in the Room posters at their local school. For more information, read the announcement (PDF) and check out their Twitter and Facebook pages.


St Francis Xavier University Students’ Union

We are happy to announce that St Francis Xavier University Students’
has partnered with us on the implementation of the Elephant in the
Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental illness in
their community by posting Elephant in the Room posters at their local school.


Rocky Lake Junior High School

We are happy to announce that Rocky Lake Junior High School has
partnered with us on the implementation of the Elephant in the Room
Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental illness in their
community by posting Elephant in the Room posters at their local school.


Trent Central Student Association at Trent University

We are happy to announce that Trent Central Student Association
(TCSA) at Trent University has partnered with us on the implementation
of the Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness
about mental illness in their community by posting Elephant in the Room posters at their local university.

save our sisler

Save Our Minds at Sisler High School

We are happy to announce Save Our Minds team from Sisler High School
(Winnipeg, Manitoba) has partnered with us on the implementation of the
Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, not only to raise awareness
about mental illness in the classroom but also in digital spaces. Read
the announcement (PDF).


Save Our Minds Creates an Augmented-Reality App

Save Our Minds has created an augmented-reality (AR) mobile application. The creation of this mobile app will allow its users to scan the Elephant in the Room
anti-stigma elephant image (left), enhanced with the Layar (app), which when
passed over with a smartphone will initiate digital content linking to
MDSC anti-stigma education and resources. Check out Sisler’s Elephant in the Room Campaign video.

ASUS logo

Arts and Science Undergraduate Society at Queen’s University

We are happy to announce our partnership with the students of the
Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) at Queen’s
. Mental health impacts each and every student in the Queen’s
community and beyond.

As part of this collaboration, ASUS is piloting the inaugural MDSC youth chapter.

Through this initiative, we aim to eliminate the stigma associated with mental
health through a variety of creative programming. Together, we can
create a safe and open environment free of discrimination!
Learn more on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Waterloo Catholic District School Board

We are happy to announce that our fifth school board in Ontario has
joined the Elephant in the Room Campaign. The Waterloo Catholic District
School Board
(WCDSB) has implemented this initiative raising awareness
about mental illness in the workplace, and in the classroom. Read the announcement (PDF).

Check out their Elephant in The Room Campaign video.


Northern Ontario Suicide Prevention Network and School Boards

We are very pleased to announce that all four of the school boards in
Sudbury plus the Northern Ontario Suicide Prevention Network announced
simultaneously, their adoption of our Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign. These new partners are:
Conseil scolaire catholique du Nouvel-Ontario
Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario
Rainbow Schools
Sudbury Catholic Schools
Northern Ontario Suicide Prevention Network (PDF)


Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO)

We are happy to announce that the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) will partner with us on the implementation of the Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign, raising awareness about mental illness in the workplace, and in the classroom. The CDSBEO is the first school board in the province of Ontario to partner with The Mood Disorders Society of Canada on this initiative. Read the announcement (PDF).



Employees of Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories voted to support Mood Disorders Society of Canada as its Lead Charity in 2013. MDSC is very appreciative of their generosity and has worked with Gamma-Dynacare to provide Elephant in the Room posters and elephants. Gamma-Dynacare is working with Mood Disorders Society of Canada to battle against stigma, raise awareness of mood disorders, and provide those affected by mental illness with a voice through the Elephant in the Room Anti-Stigma Campaign. Read the announcement (PDF).



Mount Allison University

Over 200 students, staff and faculty members attended Mount Allison University‘s launch of the Elephant in the Room Campaign in April 2013. The event involved 3 students with mental illness speaking about their experiences with stigma, 2 counselors giving their take on stigma, and then a period for questions from the audience. Live entertainment from a local band followed the formal program. Check out the article synopsis.

In spring 2013 the university recognized the student initiative in an award’s ceremony as “best event of the year”.


McMaster University

In 2012 MDSC partnered with COPE — a student mental health initiative at McMaster University. We worked together to raise awareness about mental illness on campus, and we provided mental health resources and the blue elephants to remind students and faculty of the importance of mental health, raise awareness about mood disorders and the importance of eliminating stigma. Check out their Facebook page.

COPE has created two incredible videos to raise awareness of the Elephant in the Room Campaign at McMaster. Be sure to check them out!



KPMG has launched the Elephant in the Room anti-stigma campaign for their Greater Toronto Area people and also shared this information nationally. By incorporating the campaign blue elephants, workplace posters, mental health resources, booklets and educational materials, KPMG is offering concrete tools to reduce stigma and encourage individuals to come forward for support and help if they feel they may be experiencing mental health concerns.

KPMG has offices in 33 locations across the country. The firm’s more than 700 partners and 5,600 employees provide crucial services to many of the public and private business, not-for profit, and public-sector organizations in Canada.



Mental Health Support Network of South Eastern Ontario has rolled the Elephant in the room campaign out through their seven office locations throughout southeast Ontario. The campaign has been a huge success assisting their organization reduce stigma and raise awareness with their staff, volunteers, clientele and the communities at large.


United Way Oakville

United Way has implemented the Elephant in the Room Anti-stigma Campaign in their offices, and they promote a stigma-free workplace environment. Additionally, United Way shares the campaign during workshops with community colleges.