What is Depression?

Leading a Balanced Life

The Basics – A Safe Place to Stay, An Income and Food on the Table

The basic necessities of life are not “treatment” but treatment will be ineffective if they are not in place. Some people with depression live on the streets, in shelters or in sub-standard housing. They struggle with the extremes of poverty and don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Such living situations are dehumanizing and dangerous. There are many community services designed to address the basics of life. When people are housed and safe, they have the foundation in place for treatment for mental illness or substance use problems.

A Healthy Diet, Exercise and A Good Night’s Sleep

We can all agree that eating well and exercising is just plain good for you. The problem is that we don’t do it. But, depression is a serious illness and it demands actions that will lead to a healthier lifestyle. You can begin in small ways – by examining your eating habits and identifying areas that need change. Have you become dependent on drugs or alcohol to help you cope? Is your lifestyle sluggish and sedentary? Has the time come for you to get up and move?

Incremental steps towards change can help you, bit by bit, take better care of yourself and, by extension, better manage your symptoms.